Adoption Legal Questions and Answers
How do I adopt my grandchild if my daughter is willing to participate?
My daughter is thinking about letting her father and I (mother) adopt her baby girl as we are the grandparents. What's the first thing I should do? She is working and starting her career, sadly she doesn't have time for the baby. What do I do?
04/09/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Oklahoma | #2850Is there a way to undo an adoption and assume the name of real parents?
I need to find out what the names of the forms are for revocating or undoing an adoption that took place 9 years ago. I am now a legal adult and wish to resume my preadoptive information on my birth certificate and I do know both of my legal preadoptive parents.
04/09/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Oklahoma | #2836If my 14 year old daughter is having a baby and the father is 14, who is the baby's guardian?
I have a minor child (14) who is going to have a baby. The father is also 14. Who is this baby's legal guardian? How do I get guardianship without the father's permission?
03/25/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Michigan | #2107What is the process for me to adopt my step-daughter if her biological father pays child support?
I have a 12 yr-old step-daughter that I would like to adopt. I have been married to her mother since the child was 2. Her biological father does not see her on a regular basis but still pays the court ordered child support. Is it legal for me to adopt her and what process needs to be taken?
01/31/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Mississippi | #1317Do I need my incarcerated ex's approval for my husband to adopt my daughter?
I have questions about an adoption and name change for my 16 year old daughter. My husband, who is legally her stepfather, has been her provider and father since we started dating in 1993 and were later married in 1995. We have been married for almost 12 years and he is the only father that she knows. Her biological father has not provided for her since 1993 and has been i...
01/31/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Wisconsin | #924Do I need my daughter's biological father's approval for adoption if he is incarcerated?
I have questions about an adoption and name change for my 16 year old daughter. My husband, who is legally her stepfather, has been her provider and father since we started dating in 1993 and were later married in 1995. We have been married for almost 12 years and he is the only father that she knows. Her biological father has not provided for her since 1993 and has been in ...
02/16/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Texas | #718For adoption purposes, in what cases do we need to get the consent of the child?
For adoption purposes, when do we need to get the consent of the child as well? I am planning to adopt a 10-year-old girl. Will I need to get her consent as well? We live in Arkansas.
03/02/2017 | Category: Adoption » Consent of M... | State: Arkansas | #33190Is there any legal requirement in the adoption of a child if he has attained 12 years of age?
My third son will attain 12 years of age after 4 months. My husband and I decided to give him in adoption to my sister since she doesn’t have a child. We live in West Virginia. My son may not be ready to go with them as he doesn’t like to be detached from his siblings. Somebody advised me that there will be legal obligations if he passed 12. Is it correct?
02/23/2017 | Category: Adoption » Consent of M... | State: West Virginia | #32752In adoption is it required to take the consent of the child if he is 12 years old?
I am thinking to adopt a 12-year-old boy. I have already had a couple of meetings with the child. Do we need to get his consent? Please tell us about the Montana law in this regard.
02/21/2017 | Category: Adoption » Consent of M... | State: Montana | #32571Can a married minor be adopted in Indiana?
I am a resident of Indiana. I want to adopt a 16-year-old married girl. Do I need her husband’s consent to adopt her?
01/19/2017 | Category: Adoption » Consent of M... | State: Indiana | #30593