Automobiles » Insurance Legal Questions and Answers
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My horse broke out of the fence and was hit by two cars. What am I liable for?
My horse broke thru the fence and got in the road. He got hit by 2 vehicles, the first driver is suing me and the second drivers insurance company paid her but the insurance co. wants me to reimburse them. Who would be a good lawyer in Bennettsville, S.C., and what are my rights as the owner of the horse. I live in North Carolina but my horse was at my boyfriends house at the t...
10/01/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Insurance | State: North Carolina | #23301Is a Parent Liable for a Child's Accident When Driving the Car Without Permission?
My son was involved in an accident with my truck last year and the insurance company is coming after him and me for the amount they paid their client ($9,000). My son agrees he was responsible for paying this debt and is willing to sign a legal form taking responsibility for this. Is this legal and will this lift the 'suspension of registration' from me? I did not grant permi...
03/24/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Insurance | State: Wisconsin | #21525Does insurance company have to pay for damage done and value lost from the truck?
My husband was involved in a car accident which was not his fault, no one was hurt but his truck was messed up. My father told me that the insurance company not only has to pay us for the damage done to the car as well as for the value lost from the truck because it was involved in an accident. So I wanted to know if we can do this and what would the best way to maybe go about ...
06/08/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Insurance | State: Mississippi | #6270Should I add my teen driver to my insurance or is he automatically covered?
In S.C., is it necessary to add teens to your auto insurance when they start driving? I was told that as long as I have insurance on my vehicle anyone can drive it. I just need to know the truth.
04/17/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Insurance | State: South Carolina | #3159
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