Automobiles » Ownership Legal Questions and Answers
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If my car title was stolen and has gotten registered can I get my car back?
If my car title was stolen and has gotten registered can I get my car back?
12/24/2016 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: South Carolina | #28751My Husband and I are on the title to our car. He died but his Sister took the car. What can I do?
My husband passed away August 2016 he and I name were on the title. I went to the DMV. However my sister in law took the car. How should I proceed?
11/26/2016 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: South Carolina | #27185My wife's boss bought her a new truck. Can I sell the truck?
My wife's boss bought her a new truck, as a gift for her hard work and dedication. As a man of principles I don't like the idea. I have ask him to take back his truck, but he refused. What can I do about it?
07/15/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: Florida | #7188
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