Drivers License Legal Questions and Answers
How do I go about getting a hardship license?
How do I go about getting a hardship license? My daughter does not live with me and she needs a way to get back and forth to work to provide money for bills. Is she able to get a hardship liscense?
04/03/2007 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Drivers Hard... | State: Texas | #2527Am I eligible to receive a hardship license to go to work?
I was convicted of a DUI in Rhode Island last year. I have one year remaining on my suspension. I moved to Fall River, Mass., 4 months ago. Am I eligible to receive a hardship license to go to work?
03/15/2007 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Drivers Hard... | State: Massachusetts | #1455I was caught driving while license suspended on 1/18/06. I fought with good cause to keep the charge off my record for 9 mont...
I was caught driving while license suspended on 1/18/06. I fought with good cause to keep the charge off my record for 9 months in which I was also incarcerated. Well I lost my case and was sentenced to a year in the county jail on Sep.15, 2006. I just got out of jail. Will I be able to get my hardship license, since it's been almost a year from the day that I was charged wit...
02/05/2007 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Drivers Hard... | State: Florida | #427What is the Statute of Limitations for a DUI in Alabama?
How long does it take to know if a person will be charged with DUI after a car accident?
06/23/2011 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: Arkansas | #25083What is a Parent's Liability for Allowing Underage Drinking in the Home in California?
What is the law regarding parents who allow their children and their friends to drink in their home.
09/19/2010 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: California | #23208Can I Be Sued if My Drinking Buddy Gets a DUI in Pennsylvania?
I was out with a friend at the bar, dropped him off, and I learned the next day that he got into his car and was in an accident. He was taken to the hospital and will probably be charged with a DUI. Is there an legal issues that I should be worried about?
09/13/2010 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: Pennsylvania | #23152How Do I Challenge a Urine Test in California?
At a criminal prelim hearing where charges are manslaughter, DUI (drugs-D tested positive for amphetamine) and leaving scene of the incident--D's vehicle vs. pedestrian (victim tested positive for methamphetamine), I realize I need to challenge the testifying officer(s), but are they're any strong questions regarding the urine test by D and its accuracy?
05/14/2010 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: California | #22119How Can I Have a Urine Test Excluded From Evidence in California Driving Under the Influence Cases?
Defendant has been charged w/191.5(a)PC while driving vehicle in violation of,23152,23153VC. D's urine test results show the presence of amphetamines. Can a motion to exclude the urine test be made? no blood test was taken and D blew a BAC of 0.0% What is the evidentiary value of the urine test? Do these questions evidence a showing that I am incompetent to handle this case?
01/05/2010 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: California | #20293Can My House Arrest for DUI in West Virginia Subject to Probation?
Does a magistrate court judge have the ability to overturn specific sentencing on a plea agreement for 2nd offense DUI? I am wondering if a judge can remove one from house arrest and place one on probation for the remainder of the sentence.
07/20/2009 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: West Virginia | #17659What can I do if I feel a police officer is harrassing my family?
I was arrested for DWI in December walking into a bar. Now my brother just got a DWI while he was at work as a bartender when he moved a customers car 1 block to a municipal parking lot, something he has done for years as a service to those that are too impaired to move their car to overnight parking. This officer was involved in both arrests. My brother is one of my witnesses...
05/19/2009 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: Minnesota | #16710