Education Legal Questions and Answers
What is the law regarding corporal punishment in school?
School policies and procedures states: Excessive tardies will be punished by the principal. Case: Student (fifth grade) was tardy four times during the 9 weeks to school in the morning. Principal stated the child would receive a paddling. The parents were not informed by the school of the rule or that the child would be paddled. The child came home from school upset and told th...
05/20/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Mississippi | #16727Student's Rights in Requirement to Retake Semester Due to Failing Grade on Test
I have taken the USMLE step 1 boards four times and failed. On my third attempt, I failed by a point. I feel my last attempt was due to a recent job I had started. My school says that it is mandatory to repeat a semester, but the handbook says it may be required. Also, the acceptance letter states nothing about having to pass this semester. It only specifies I must pass the fin...
04/27/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Pennsylvania | #16187If one can commit plagiarism without intent can one be found guilty of plagiarism?
If one can commit plagiarism without intent, can one be found guilty of plagiarism if one did not intend to or knowingly attempt to steal another's ideas or pass another's work off as one's own? The issue is my daughter is being sanctioned and punished by her college (put in her record that she is guilty of academic dishonesty/plagiarism) when the only thing she is guilty of i...
04/06/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Washington | #15902What rights does my daughter have to fight the plagiarism charges against her by the school?
I am the mother of a student who attends college in New York. She is undergoing disciplinary action for academic honesty violation for plagiarism. Basically she submitted a research proposal in APA style without including quotations when citing other sources. She did site sources, but did so incorrectly because she has a learning disability and misinterpreted conflicting info...
03/31/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Washington | #15824What can we do to fight Student Expulsion for Drug Sales and Use at school?
My 15 year old son is suspended from school for buying and selling an item called ' Tink'. We were told by the school that it was marijuana and everclear boiled down. They questioned him a month later and the only evidence they have is what he told them. They have no physical evidence; he passed urine analysis. We are not even sure if it had drugs or alcohol in it. He is now up...
03/05/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Oregon | #15447What are my options to protect my son from defamation at school due to an altercation?
My child who is in the 11th grade was involved in a minor altercation with a 9th grader while waiting to board a bus for an athletic event. The players were unsupervised and inside the school. One other student pushed the 9th grader into a vending machine while my son pretended to punch him in the stomach. A teacher came in, saw this, broke it up, and reported the incident. My ...
02/12/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: New York | #15235