Government Legal Questions and Answers
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City of emmett passed ordinance last year that homeowners must maintain sidewalks. Legal?
City of emmett passed ordinance last year that homeowners must maintain sidewalks in front of their house. The sidewalk on city property was heaved prior to legislation. Most of my neighbors do not even have sidewalks. The city could not provide a city code requiring sidewalks. Can they pass a code that retroactively requires me to repair sidewalks in 30 days for a sidewalk...
04/20/2017 | Category: Government | State: Idaho | #35982What who is
What who is "State Citizen" as compared with a "US citizen"
04/07/2017 | Category: Government | State: Oregon | #35354Is article 1 section 17 of the oregon constitution a declaratory decree?
is article 1 section 17 of the oregon constitution a declaratory decree?
04/07/2017 | Category: Government | State: Oregon | #35342Can a New Jersey municipality pass a resolution which has the force of law?
Can a New Jersey municipality pass a resolution which has the force of law including the ability to levy fines for violations?
03/10/2017 | Category: Government | State: New Jersey | #33725When a City Council has a Motion and Second and another Motion is made what happens?
I was at a city council meeting and a councillor made a motion which was then seconded, while discussion was beginning to take place another councillor made a motion which favored his opinion. City staff then indicated that the secondary motion was now priority and would be voted on before the original motion. I just don't see how this fair because if someone doesn't like ano...
03/08/2017 | Category: Government | State: California | #3361650 USCS 2204 Mentions Hostilities but is is not defined.
50 USCS ยง 2204 mentions "hostilities"...but I cannot find a legal definition that does not actually define everything that a hostile act might entail
02/13/2017 | Category: Government | State: ALL | #32093What is the applicability of the the doctrine delegatus non protest delegare to government agencies?
What is the applicability of the the doctrine delegatus non protest delegare to government agencies.
02/09/2017 | Category: Government | State: Alabama | #31838How can the city make me move out of my home for code violations?
i am 71 and stoughton wi is threatening to make move out my home beause of some code issues which i can address given enough time. i've lived here 12 yrs with no problems and worked on my home continusly
10/20/2011 | Category: Government | State: Wisconsin | #25526Basis for a Town to Issue a Waste Management Payment
What is the legal basis if any for a town to force payment for a waste collection service via the utility bill? I have no intention of using this service (single provider contract signed by town) but apparently will be billed for it.
03/12/2009 | Category: Government | State: Colorado | #15600Municipality Requiring I Repair Sidewalk on Property Adjacent to me that I do not Own
I am being required to repair sidewalks adjacent to a property I own. How can a municipality tell you to repair property that is not owned by you and is not a legal part of your deed?
03/10/2009 | Category: Government | State: ALL | #15511
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