Healthcare Legal Questions and Answers
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How does a health surrogate resign and appoint another person?
How does a health surrogate resign and appoint another person?
04/20/2017 | Category: Healthcare | State: Arizona | #36018My mother is in the hospital. They are asking me to sign a health care directive.
My mother is in the hospital. They are asking me if I have a power of attorney from her. I do not. They (the Doctors) want me to have her sign one so they will know to resuscitate her or not, and to put her on a ventilator or not?
04/06/2017 | Category: Healthcare | State: Florida | #35277Can a Spouse Prevent Family Members From Visiting a Relative in a Nursing Home?
My husbands mother is in alzheimer care and his step father is over medicating her. He has said he is cutting off all access to his mother because he doesn't like the accusations. The dr in charge says he thought she was getting too much, but husband is adamant she get the drugs. Can he keep mother and son apart?
08/15/2011 | Category: Healthcare | State: New Mexico | #25330How Can I Find Out if My Veterinarian Lost His License?
How may I find out if my Veterinarian can prescribe narcotics or lost his license to do so? I had 2 dogs that were put down and were not treated with nothing stronger than rimadyl and one dog tramadol during their bouts with cancer. Both doctors stated that in AZ narcotics can't be prescribed for dogs. So where are doctors that can??Charlie
06/25/2011 | Category: Healthcare | State: Arizona | #25099Can a Nurse Accept Payments for Referrals to a Nursing Home?
If a nurse is given a bonus for referral of patients to a home care agency, is this legal or could it be a kickback question?
05/16/2011 | Category: Healthcare | State: Michigan | #24842Can an Employer Use the Information Contained in My Medical Records Against Me?
My husbands employer has asked all employees to complete insurance forms for two prospective insurance providers they are asking for bids. The forms demand extremely detailed health info. that I've never had to supply before. They will be faxed back to the employer when completed giving many people access to very private detailed health info. I do not believe that HIPPA affor...
01/25/2011 | Category: Healthcare | State: Georgia | #24075How Do I Involuntarily Commit a Person for Drug Abuse in North Dakota?
My son is having serious drinking/prescrip. drug abuse to the point that we fear he will hurt himself. The physc. ward advised me that if he willingly does not commit himself for helf that I as his mother can file a form for 'commiting' him with the DA's office. My question is can I obtain these forms online ?
01/17/2011 | Category: Healthcare | State: North Dakota | #24028Can I Be Required to Provide a Drivers License Each Time I Fill a Prescription in Louisiana?
have a chain pharmacy asking for my la. driv lic.just to drop off a script. when i pick up yes, but not everytime i drop off!! store policy or a real law? dea says there is no fed law?
01/14/2011 | Category: Healthcare | State: Louisiana | #24008How do I get a copy of form SSA 1020 - Application for Held with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Cos
How do I get a copy of form SSA 1020 - Application for Held with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs?
11/07/2007 | Category: Healthcare | State: Ohio | #11784What is the Kennedy-Kassembaum Health Care Portability Act?
What is the Kennedy-Kassembaum Health Care Portability Act?
10/30/2007 | Category: Healthcare | State: Kansas | #11272
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