Husband and Wife Legal Questions and Answers
What is the law in Minnesota on property owned by the woman at the time of her marriage?
My husband and I got married a month back in Minnesota. I would like to know the law on property owned by the woman at the time of her marriage?
01/13/2017 | Category: Husband and Wife | State: Minnesota | #30075Is the consent from my wife required for transferring property that I acquired after marriage?
I live in Montana with my wife. I acquired a property in my name after we got married. I would like to transfer the said property to my friend. Is the consent from my wife required for transferring such property?
12/23/2016 | Category: Husband and Wife | State: Montana | #28661What, if anything, is my wife entitled to as far as assets from the sale of my first home?
I owned a home in Texas for 6 years prior to marriage. After I married, I sold the home and purchased a new home in Colorado with SOME of the money from the sale of my first home. My wife of 5 months now wants a divorce. What, if anything, is she entitled to as far as assets from the sale of my first home?
06/19/2007 | Category: Husband and Wife | State: Colorado | #6527If I ask my wife's doctor if my wife has a sexually transmitted disease does she have to tell me the truth?
If I ask my wife's doctor if my wife has a sexually transmitted disease does she have to tell me the truth?
06/08/2007 | Category: Husband and Wife | State: Illinois | #6273Can a son be held financially or legally responsible for his mother?
Can a son, who was not reared by his alcoholic mother and had no financial support from her -EVER- be held financially or legally responsible for her? She has been alcoholic since before he was born and is now completely out of control and hospitalized.
05/21/2007 | Category: Husband and Wife | State: Texas | #5466How can I legally mortgage my mentally incompetent husband’s property?
My husband and I live in Nebraska. My husband is disabled and mentally incompetent. I want to mortgage some of his property to avail a loan from the bank. I am planning to use that money for his treatment. How can I legally mortgage my mentally incompetent husband’s property?
02/09/2017 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: Nebraska | #31851What are the rights of a husband and wife over a community property acquired after marriage?
I live with my wife in Nevada. After our marriage, we acquired a community property. We would like to know the rights we have over the community property?
12/26/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: Nevada | #28789Is it possible to divide the community property?
My husband and I live in California. We jointly own a community property ever since we got married. Is it possible to divide the community property between the both of us into personal and individual property?
12/24/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: California | #28731How is community property managed and who can do what with the property?
What are the rights between Husband and Wife to community property? How is it managed and who can do what with the property?
11/27/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: California | #27221My Husband and I acquired property as tenants in common. Is this part of our community property?
My Husband and I acquired some commercial property. When it was bought it was titled to us as tenants in common. Does this mean this property is part of our community property?
11/25/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: California | #27167