Minors Legal Questions and Answers
What is the law on support of children by parents in Alaska?
My parents haven't really denied me child support but they refuse to pay for my personal expenses like clothing, hobbies etc. They do take care of my educational expenses and food, medical expenses. What I wanna know is- what expenses are included in child support?
03/06/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Alaska | #33416Until what age can a child ask for child support from parents?
I live in Alabama with my mom and dad. My mom is a stay at home mom and has no source of income. My dad refuses to pay my university fee and other expenses. He says that as I am 18 years old I should take care of my personal expenses myself. Until what age can I ask for child support from my dad?
03/06/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Alabama | #33415Can a physically handicapped child get financial support from his parents beyond the age of 18?
I am 18 years old. I’m physically handicapped and living with my parents in West Virginia. Can I continue to get financial support from my parents after I turn 18? Is there any law in West Virginia that makes me eligible for support?
02/23/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: West Virginia | #32744Are the parents obliged to provide support and maintenance to a child?
I am a 16-year-old boy residing at Wyoming. My parents abandoned me and I am living under the support of a public welfare fund. What will be the legal consequences if my parents refuse to provide any support and maintenance to me?
02/07/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Wyoming | #31689What are the legal consequences if a parent does not provide support for his mentally retarded adult son?
I am a resident of Maryland. What are the legal consequences if I do not provide support for my 22-year-old mentally retarded son?
01/17/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Maryland | #30402My parents are divorced. Will i continue to get the child support from my mother if I move out?
My parents are divorced, and I have been staying with my mother for the past few years. She is a disciplinarian and set time to study, play, and even visiting friends. I’m 17 years old, and wish to move away from my mother’s house. We stay in Queens, New York. I would like to know if I’ll continue to get the child support from my mother once I move out?
01/16/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: New York | #30285Is a child, who is neglected by his drug addicted parents, eligible for any state assistance?
My cousin gave birth to a boy last year. Both she and the father are addicted to drugs and are not able to stick to one job. They are not taking care of the child properly and the kid is already suffering from malnourishment and developmental disorders. Is the child eligible for any state assistance?
01/11/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: New York | #29912Can I get a parental interest of my step-daughter in Montana?
My husband and I reside in Montana. I have a 4-year-old daughter from my previous marriage and she lives with us. Her father does not show any affection or care to her. He missed many visitation opportunities and has paid only 25-30% of the child support he owes. But the stepfather has established a parent-child relationship with my daughter and is attached to her. Is there an...
01/04/2017 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Montana | #29429The court ordered child support for my daughter till she turns 18. she is 16 and has got married.
My 16-year-old daughter married her boyfriend with the consent from her mother who has her custody. I was paying a monthly child support of $130 per week which was ordered by the court at the time of my divorce. I was to continue such payment till my daughter reached the age of 18. Am I supposed to continue to pay child support in Wyoming in the given situation?
12/29/2016 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: Wyoming | #29050Can i stop the child support to my 18 year old son, once he gets graduated?
My son, who is 18 years old, is currently attending High school in North Dakota and I have been providing child support to him. Now that his coursework and examinations are done and he is going to graduate next month, can I stop the child support which was ordered by the court? Will he be considered as a major?
12/28/2016 | Category: Minors » Child Support | State: North Dakota | #28910