Paternity Legal Questions and Answers
How Does an Unmarried Father in Texas Enforce His Rights to His Child?
My son is not married but has been living with the mother of their 3 very young children. He has been the stay at home care giver while the mother has always worked due to greater earning potential. She now wishes to force my son to leave and is indicating she will have custody of the children and he must pay her child support. His name is on all birth certificates and they hav...
03/08/2010 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Texas | #21285Can Back Child Support Be Owed When Paternity is Proven in New York?
In the last few days we just found out that my husband could be the father of an young man who turned 18 in September. The young man was adopted by a peer of his mothers at a young age. We were never informed that there could be a child until now. No idea. if we submit to testing are there legal ramifications such as back pay of child support or college tuition? The child would...
02/03/2010 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: New York | #20760How Do I Disprove Paternity After a Child Support Order in Florida?
I currently pay child support for a child that was born 10 months before I married his mother. We divorced five years later where I had custody of the child. Five years after that he went to live with his mother and she sued me child support. I have been in compliance of the order but have always had suspension that the child in question is not mine. A DNA test was never acc...
12/21/2009 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Florida | #20149Paternity and child-support obligations.
if the father was never married to the mother when the child was born and did not sign the birth certifacte and the child does not have his last name... does the father still have to pay child support and can he terminate his parental rights as the father
08/21/2009 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Texas | #18181At what age is it no longer required to pay support for a child in New York?
I live in Florida, but my question is regarding New York State Support laws. At what age is it no longer required to pay support for a child? My grandson is 19 and living at home. He does have part time work.
07/30/2007 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Florida | #7603Does a father have to pay for child support even though the child is over 18 and is not in school?
Does a father have to pay for child support even though the child is over 18 and is not in school?
07/10/2007 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Oklahoma | #7057My husand is being ordered to pay 80% of his wages for child support. Is that legal?
My husand is being ordered to pay 80% of his wages for child support. Is that legal?
05/22/2007 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Michigan | #5646Is the filing for establishing paternity time barred in Pennsylvania?
I am pregnant with my husband’s child, but my husband refuses to accept the paternity. I am planning to file a petition in the court for establishing the paternity of this child. Under Pennsylvania law, is there a time period within which I am required to file a petition for establishing the paternity?
01/19/2017 | Category: Paternity » Court Action | State: Pennsylvania | #30580How to I make the Father of my Child acknowledge Paternity in Texas?
My 8-month-old child is born out of wedlock. I was having a steady relationship with the child’s father and we were, in fact, planning to get married. But, things took a different turn when he left Texas for a new job. I want him to acknowledge the paternity of our child. What should I do to make him the father of my child in all legal documents?
12/05/2016 | Category: Paternity » Court Action | State: Texas | #27524How Can I Establish Custody in Florida to Get Shared Custody?
What form do I need to establish paternity of my child with my girlfriend so I will have legal rights to a shared custody?
09/13/2011 | Category: Paternity » Court Action | State: Florida | #25491