Real Property » Foreclosure Legal Questions and Answers
If a Building Isn't Described in a Deed, Can it be Foreclosed on by a Lender?
I have a piece of property in Florida that I refinanced in 2005, I also own the property beside it. When the appraisal was done they included a building that is on the owned property. My mortgage states only the parcel number and legal description of the refied property. If my mortgage goes in forclosure will the lender be able to take this builing that is on the property that ...
07/07/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #25150What are the Notice Requirements for Foreclosure in Texas?
State of TX: Bank Foreclosure...Can a Hearing on a Foreclosure take place, if the Home Borrower is Never notified by the Court System, that the Trial is to take place? And, is it Legal for the Home Borrower ,to be Notified 1 mth. and 11 days, AFTER the Proceedings took place & a Judgement found in the Lenders favour? Also, can the Bank take procession, after the court documents...
07/02/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Texas | #25129Can a Bank Foreclose for Nonpayment of Taxes if an Occupant Isn't Named on the Loan?
Can a bank lender foreclose for default of reimbursement of property tax pd by lender and failure to pay into new tax escrow account when borrower is only the husband who is only signer of the note & resident is occupied by husband & wife. Original note payments are not if default.
06/05/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Indiana | #24972Cana New Bank Continue a Foreclosure After Being Assigned the Mortgage?
Bank A assigned loan & mortgage to Bank B. Bank A had started legal foreclosure before assignment. Bank B never recorded its new interest but continued the foreclosure suit under the now-non-existant Bank A's name. How can I get judgment vacated?
06/02/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Pennsylvania | #24956Does a Foreclosure Sale Need to be Disclosed to a Tenant?
is there a full disclosure law in California relative to a rental agreement? Signed a rental agreement and paid rent, security deposit before signing and now informed trustee sale of property 6-11-11. Have not moved in yet. Can i get my money back?
05/29/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #24927Can a Property go Through Foreclosure if There Are Still Loans on the Property?
I had two loans on a home. During a Foreclosure do both loans need to be paid off before a title can be transfered to someone else? And if so what would happen if you just found out that one of the loans never got charged off but yet someone else owns the house now? It has been 3.5 years and I have just found out that I owe $35.90 on the second loan and it is now going through ...
05/18/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Michigan | #24865What Happens if i Walk Away From My Upside Down Property?
I had two loans with a local bank on some building lots I purchased in 2006. With the real estate crash they became worth less than the value of the loans. I negotiated with the bank to pay on these two lots for 5 years with a balloon at the end. I had hired an attorney to do this and the attorney said the bank required a promissory note. The reason I signed the note was to avo...
05/10/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Utah | #24806Do I have any recourse to redeem property after tax sale deed is executed?
My Property was sold at tax sale in 2009 I had no idea that it was until i receive overage notice in mail went to county they it was sold 2010 I had 1year to redeem an redemtion period was over. It was deed to new owner. How can i ge it back. They showed notices that they sent to me i never receive them, One notice i did receive letting me know it neeeded to be paid by August 3...
04/29/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: South Carolina | #24746I recently bought a home and moved out of our prior home. I have not sold the prior home yet and have money owing on a home ...
I recently bought a home and moved out of our prior home. I have not sold the prior home yet and have money owing on a home equity line of credit. If the home is voluntarily forclosed OR involuntarily forclosed, will I be vulnerable to a deficiency judgement or any other financial liabilities if the home is sold for less than is owing on the home equity line of credit?
03/26/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Washington | #24497How Do I Evict Tenants Who Signed a Lease Under Rental Fraud of a Vacant Home?
Homeowner victim of trespass of home with no legal assistance from the Police Department when contacted 911. I own a house in Florida which I had been trying to rent for the past 8 months. The house has been vacant but I visit the house every month and my daughters check on the house at least once a week. I had my home advertised on a particular website but since I was not ge...
02/12/2011 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #24208