Real Property » Homeowner's Association Legal Questions and Answers
Do you have a form allowing a Condominium Association to place a lien on a property in foreclosure?
Do you have a form allowing a Condominium Association to place a lien on a property in foreclosure or do we need a lawyer to file one? If so, what would be the approximate cost?
05/26/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Florida | #16777Can I be forced to pay HOA dues that were not in place when I purchased my property?
In 1991 I purchased a newly built home in a very rural area of New Mexico which had been titled Thunder Mountain Estates. It was the only home at that time. There was a 'property Owner's Association', but I had the only home. Any dues was strictly voluntary. I told the developer (who was the builder of the home I bought and also the 'President' of the 'Property Owner's Asso...
05/21/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: New Mexico | #16748What is a standard amount that qualifies as 'capital improvement'?
There is a question in our home owners association regarding the term 'capital improvements' what is a standard amount or percentage that qualifies as a 'capital improvement'? Where may I find such information?
05/14/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Florida | #16670Can the Condo Association deny me access to the gym since I am behind on my dues?
I own a condo in a development that I built. I rented it to a tenant but have a bad hardship now. I lost all my income so I'm not paying the mortgage and the common charges I told the board that I'm trying to settle with the bank for a short sale and at the time of closing they will get the balance for the common charges. Now they want to annoy me so they put up a new lock on t...
05/06/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: New York | #16598What forms are needed to file a lien on homeowners who owe due to the HOA?
I am on the board of a warehouse condo association and we are wanting to put liens on owners who are 6+ months past due with dues. What forms do we file with the county without using an attorney?
05/06/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Minnesota | #16596Can the homeowner's association prohibit me from placing a realtor sign in my yard?
Is it legal for the developers of our gated community to forbid the use of any and all signs by homeowners, including Realtor Signs or For Sale by Owner signs? The developers run the Homeowners Assocation and are threatening us with a lien on our property for having Realtor Signs in our windows or in our yards. Who can we turn to for help? No lawyers will take the case and the...
04/27/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: ALL | #16202How do I fight the convenants of my community and can they fine me?
For subdivision covenants; if the village takes over control and issues tickets, does that have to be filed with the state? Do they have the right to gather information on my property without permission? Do covenants need to be renewed? If the original has no penalty can the village apply one?The violation is a covenant that states no boat and trailer larger than 18 feet may...
04/16/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Illinois | #16033Does the Doctrine of Past Practice apply to Homeowners Associations?
Does the Doctrine of Past Practice apply to Homeowners Associations? For the past two years, our Homeowners Association's contractor would maintain the back yards of homeowners with fenced in back yards. Now the homeowners association wishes to change lawn maintenance contractors, for a cheaper price, but the board of directors wish to assert the original covenant that rele...
03/26/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Georgia | #15772What type of lien can be filed to collect HOA dues on a property in foreclosure?
A Condo owner has defaulted in paying his monthly H.O.A. dues. The Condo is in foreclosure and the bank requires a lien on property, so that at sale they pay the overdue H.O.A. fees. Therefore, the Home Owners Association needs to file a lien, so, is there a 'lien form' that we can use or it must be filed by a lawyer?
03/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: California | #15748How does the condo association place a lien against a condo for HOA dues?
Is there a form for a condo association to obtain a lien against one of the owners due to unpaid association fees?
03/04/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Washington | #15441