Who should you contact when you have problems with the school's regulations and rules?
Full Question:
My child is a graduate of State Regional High School class of 2006. The school sends home a contract regarding the rules and regulations of any school sponsored activity including prom and graduation. One of the rules in the contract states that any student in attendance who is not considered in good standing cannot participate in any school sponsored event including graduation and/or prom. However, my problem is my son was asked to attend the prom by a student considered in good standing by all the rules, The young lady purchased the prom tickets last week and was informed today 5/8/07 that her prom date, my son, cannot escort her to the prom because when he graduated last year he was not in good standing based on his academic performance and too many absences and tardies; which as a result, he could not attend the prom last year when he was a student at State Regional High School. The contract only stipulates that seniors/students of the graduating class of 2007 have to adhere to the rules of the contract, not students who have already graduated. The young lady's mom spoke to the Vice Principle and the School Superintendent and received negative results.
05/08/2007 |
Category: Schools |
State: New Jersey |
The question seems to resolve around whether students are allowed to take to the prom dates that are not currently students at the school. i.e. they attend another school or have graduated. If this is allowed, then unless other reasons exist, there should be no prohibition for the female student to take your son. However, schools have a lot of lead-way on what rules they can establish. As for legal rights, we suggest you contact a NJ attorney in your town to call the Superintendent to resolve the issue. <\p>