How can I get a certified copy of my own birth certificate?
Full Question:
How can I get a certified copy of my own birth certificate?
03/19/2017 |
Category: Vital Records ยป Birth Certif... |
State: Arizona |
A.R.S. § 36-324
A. On written request, a local registrar, a deputy local registrar or the state registrar shall issue a certified copy of a registered certificate, except the portion of the certificate that contains medical information, to any person determined to be eligible to receive the certified copy pursuant to criteria prescribed by rules.
B. A certified copy of a registered certificate has the same status as the registered certificate.
C. The United States public health service may receive copies, microfilm and other information from the state registrar to prepare national vital statistics subject to the following limitations:
1. The United States public health service bears the cost of preparing and transmitting the copies, microfilm and other information.
2. The copies, microfilm and other information are used for statistical purposes and the United States public health service assures a person's anonymity.
D. In child support cases under 42 United States Code sections 651 through 669 or in public benefit matters under chapter 29 of this title or title 46, the state registrar shall provide copies of or access to vital records without charge to the department of economic security or its attorneys. In child welfare cases under title 8, the state registrar shall provide copies of or access to vital records without charge to the department of child safety or its attorneys. A vital record obtained as authorized in this section must be used only for official purposes and, if used in a public proceeding, must be sealed by the court or hearing officer.
E. The state registrar shall provide a copy of or access to a vital record to a government agency for its official purposes.