Automobiles Legal Questions and Answers
If my car title was stolen and has gotten registered can I get my car back?
If my car title was stolen and has gotten registered can I get my car back?
12/24/2016 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: South Carolina | #28751My Husband and I are on the title to our car. He died but his Sister took the car. What can I do?
My husband passed away August 2016 he and I name were on the title. I went to the DMV. However my sister in law took the car. How should I proceed?
11/26/2016 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: South Carolina | #27185My wife's boss bought her a new truck. Can I sell the truck?
My wife's boss bought her a new truck, as a gift for her hard work and dedication. As a man of principles I don't like the idea. I have ask him to take back his truck, but he refused. What can I do about it?
07/15/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: Florida | #7188What should I do if my car was repossessed?
i purchased a 98 dodge neon in march 07'. I only owed 600 more dollars on the car. I had only had the car for only two weeks before they came and repossessed my car. Then after that they gave me a hard time regarding the car, they wouldn't answer any of my calls but the minute i sent them a text message they were quick to answer it. What I need to know from you is do you think...
05/25/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Repossess | State: Texas | #5929Can I repossess a car without the courts?
I sold a car to a friend of mine and now he is late with his payments. It has been over a month and he has sent me one bad check and one that was in the mail that I never received. Can I repossess the car without the courts? What are my rights?
05/15/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Repossess | State: Florida | #4846Can a Police Officer Turn His Lights Off and Sit to Wait for Speeding Traffic Violators?
I was caught speeding by a police officer at night on the bottom side of a hill at on the side of the road with no lights on. So he was not visible. Is these legal? And if not, how do I defend myself I'm court?
08/18/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Traffic Laws | State: Mississippi | #22945In New York, how far can my load extend out the back of my vehicle?
how far can a load extend out of a pickup truck with an eight footbox
05/28/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Traffic Laws | State: New York | #22256Can a Portable Basketball Hoop Obstruct Parking on the Street?
I live on a one way street. A basketball hoop is on curb of the property of a neighbor which not only takes away a parking space on the street as kids play sometimes 5-7 hours a day (into the evening 10 pm) and the bouncing ball constantly is a nuisance too. What are Pennsylvania laws concerning these portable basketball hoops and their use on a public street?
11/26/2009 | Category: Automobiles » Traffic Laws | State: Pennsylvania | #19800What effect will a personal reckless driving charge have on my CDL license?
I am a c.d.l. licensed truck driver and got a reckless driving ticket in my personal vehicle paid a 170.00 dollar fine and informed my employer as required. My license was not suspended. My question is what can law enforcement do when I am pulled in for a inspection and they run a license check?
09/17/2009 | Category: Automobiles » Traffic Laws | State: Alabama | #18674What is the law of Missouri which deals with use of hand held phones by drivers?
Is use of cellular phone while driving permitted in Missouri?
07/17/2009 | Category: Automobiles » Traffic Laws | State: Missouri | #17624