What is the 'lookback' period for Chapter 7 in terms of filing bankruptcy?
Full Question:
Bankruptcy Code Section 547 empowers the trustee to avoid a transfer (preference) between the debtor and an insider on account of an antecedant (pre-existing) debt if the payment was for a debt incurred within one year of the bankruptcy filing.
Bankruptcy Code Section 548 empowers the trustee to avoid a “fraudulent” transfer to any party within two (2) years of the bankruptcy filing - fraudulent being defined in the Code Section as essentially a transfer made with actual intent to hinder a creditor or for less than full value and made when the debtor was insolvent.
Finally, Bankruptcy Code Section 727 authorizes the Court to deny a discharge to a debtor who, with the intent of defrauding creditors or the estate, has transferred property within one year of filing.
A longer period may apply under state law.