Civil Actions Legal Questions and Answers
Is there a statute of limitations on filing a malpractice lawsuit?
Is there a statute of limitations on filing a malpractice lawsuit? The malpractice happened in Texas and I now live in Florida. Where would I need to get a lawyer?
04/19/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: ALL | #3209Can a person win a wrongful death case against a doctor without proving medical malpractice?
Can a person win a wrongful death case against a doctor without proving medical malpractice? Can a tort claim of wrongful death prevail by libel,deceit, neglect and other tortious claims? Can the Doe in a first claim be used without the person being named or by them just being mentioned in the Complaint?
03/29/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Medical Malp... | State: California | #2302Multiple summons
My daughter got served by Montana State University. Although she's been living in Bozeman, MT for the past 4 years, the summons was filed in Riverside Superior Court, CA. Speaking with their attorney, they stated that my daughter will be served in Montana as well, making her have TWO lawsuits for the one debt. We're trying to figure out if she'll require two separate counsels...
05/30/2014 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: California | #25745What Does a Waiver of Service Mean?
on entry of appearance and waiver of service form where it states that she waives service of process through the manner prescribed by law and she voluntarily enters her appearance in the matter does it mean i am giving up any rights and they can go thru court at any time and without any settlement from me signed and they can do whatever he wants. please let me know if i should...
09/11/2011 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: Missouri | #25486How do I serve papers to someone outside the US with no known address?
I filed a full custody of my daughter, we lived in California. The father is from Germany and he left the country in 2008 and never returned, call and send child support. The last time I got hold of him was a year ago he was still in Taiwan at that time, he called me because I was able to contact his mom. I told him that I am sending him papers serving him for full custody. I t...
08/18/2011 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: California | #25365Do I Need to Be Served if I Signed a Waiver of Service of Process?
Must I be served if I sign a waiver of service of process? If so, is that by mail?
03/16/2011 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: California | #24426Does a motion for default judgment have to be served in person in California?
Sir,I filed a Civil Sexual Harassment lawsuit against an individual in California.I had the sheriff serve the defendant the Summon and Complaint.I received a Proof of Service of Summon from the sheriff, which I filed with the Court. The defendant did not appear at the Hearing and is therefore in default.All other appropriate legal forms have been filed.I have now filed a Reques...
02/03/2011 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: California | #24142Is it proper under Idaho rules for a plaintiff to personally serve defendant or defendant's attorney?
I'm confused about the difference between service of process and the service of motions and other pleadings after the initial case is filed and properly served in Idaho. Specifically, is it proper under Idaho rules for a plaintiff to personally serve (as opposed to hiring a process server to serve) defendant or defendant's attorney by mail or in person, pleadings and motions an...
12/01/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: Idaho | #23746How Do I Serve a Subpoena Duces Tecum in Virginia?
How serve DT on represented foreign Corp after commencement of WC claim? Is mailing copy to counsel ALL that is required? ..question is: is MAILING copy to counsel sufficient or should SHERIFF SERVE DT on counsel?
08/18/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: Virginia | #22942How will he get served if he's in state prison?
How will he get served if he's in state prison?
05/21/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Service | State: California | #5449