Can I Use a Subpoena to Get Receipts of Payment to a Contractor in a Warrant in Debt Filing?
Full Question:
In Virginia, I am a sub contractor filing a warrant in debt on a contractor i did work for, My question is, can I subpoena the records of the home owners or the home owners showing that they have paid the contractor for my work?
09/26/2010 |
Category: Contractors ยป Construction... |
State: Virginia |
Only a court officer, such as an attorney or court clerk, may issue a sunpoena. You may request from the Clerk's Office subpoenas for any witnesses you expect to call to testify. Arrange for the Sheriff to serve each subpoena at least two to three weeks before the scheduled hearing date. Retain the Sheriff's proof of service for each subpoena and bring it with you to the hearing, as you will need this if the witness fails to appear. A subpoena duces tecum asks the witness to bring documents or other items along with him.