Contracts Legal Questions and Answers
How is a Missing Term in a Contract Interpreted?
A contract we are bidding on issues an addendum prior to bid regarding the roofing states in part the following ...any roofing modifications associated with this scope of work for this bid (i.e. penetrations, etc.) shall be coordinated with the County's Roofing Contractor in order not to void the existing roofing warranty.) We believe this implies the owner pays the c...
02/01/2011 | Category: Contracts | State: Florida | #24131Does a contractor breach his contract by failing to collect the deposit term specified?
If I signed a contact with a construction company and in their own contract one of the terms is they collect 10% upon signing and do not do so - did they breach the terms of their own contract?
12/29/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Arizona | #23903Is payment legal when demand for payment is not done by invoice?
If a service provider submits a dated document to a customer which states the name of the company providing the service, a detailed description of the services provided, the total amount due for the services specifying that it is an annual payment, and it is signed by a legal representative of the company providing the service, can Accounts Payable legally generate payment for ...
11/11/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Texas | #23614What Happens if I Don't Reimburse My FSA for an Unqualified Medical Expense?
The administrators of my flexible spending account will not accept the medical documentation provided my doctor for a procedure, and they have demanded that I pay back the money they disbursed to my own account ($4500). What happens if I refuse to reimburse my own account? Can they take legal action or garnish my wages?
11/02/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: New Jersey | #23536Can I Have Repair Work Billed to Someone Else Without Their Consent?
My question is 'Can I get a landscape company come out and fix the problem with the standing water and have the seller billed for it?' Details that lead to the question. I bought a house last October 2009. During the property inspection by a reputable company they found that in the back yard the landscape is such that when it rains it has standing water. The seller agreed ...
10/19/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Alabama | #23427Is an Email Valid as Being an Effective Written Notice?
I signed a contract for one year with a real estate company for buying a property. The contract has a clause that either party can terminate the contract with 30 day prior written notice to the company's address or to addresses which either party directs the other to send such notice. Since the time of signing the contract, all our correspondences have been via emails. Recently...
10/16/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Colorado | #23401Can We Sue Our School For Changing the Use of Fundraising Money?
Parents of my school were asked by the district to participate in a contest. We won that contest and the prize was a 4100 k fitness facility. The superintendent gave the prize to another school without consulting stake-holding participants (parents). He later claimed the authority to do so. However stake-holders (parents) were not informed of that authority or the possibility o...
10/09/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: California | #23358What remedies are available to enforce a verbal agreement to give me a shared mobile home?
My father is 81. He and I (age 49) worked AND lived together for the past 5 yrs. It was brutal. But back to the question. In May 2010 my dad packed up his car, rented a U-haul and drove from Las Vegas NV to Daytona Beach Fla. When he left he told myself and my girlfriend that we could have the mobile home. It is paid for but does sit in a park where you pay monthly rent. He lef...
09/30/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Nevada | #23298Can my Club Membership Be Cancelled Because I Promoted Another Club?
I am a member at a golf club and I emailed from my personal email a few other members of the golf club to tell them about a special that another competing club was offering if we could get a group to join. That email ended up in the wrong hands and was blasted all over the entire membership of the club and now the club has terminated my membership. I have been a dues paying m...
09/01/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Texas | #23075How Do I Stop Picketing in Front of My Store?
I had a partnership with a friend but we never signed the agreement. He has now stolen the stores telephone #s and is picketing our store. How can I sue him quickly as he is doing harm to the business?
08/30/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Florida | #23058