Courts » Attorneys Legal Questions and Answers
Is that fair that I should have to pay attorney fees for a court error that was totally not my fault
I hired an attorney under a contingency from a law firm I originally used to set up my business in Michigan about 6 months ago, to collect a debt owed to me from an ex-partner for services rendered. There was no contract. It was more like a 1099 agreement. But I have ample proof (signed service reports from my ex-partner's customers) that I gave to my attorney to pursue collect...
01/31/2009 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Michigan | #15111I have always wondered. If you go to an attorney for consultation is anything you say to him during this consultation be used...
I have always wondered. If you go to an attorney for consultation is anything you say to him during this consultation be used later in a court of law against you even if you did not pick him to be your attorney.
01/05/2008 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: ALL | #14468Where could I find a list of ways an attorney can be disbarred?
I needing a list of ways a lawyer can get in trouble or be disbarred? I am a criminal justice student.
11/08/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Missouri | #11883Can a person with a felony practice law in the state of Arkansas? And what other states allow a person with a felony to obtai...
Can a person with a felony practice law in the state of Arkansas? And what other states allow a person with a felony to obtain a degree in law
10/09/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Arkansas | #9980If I dismiss my attorney will it dismiss my divorce petition?
I have filed for divorce but I do not want to use my attorney any longer. I have expressed this to the attorney. The attorney has filed for a "Dismissal For Want Of Prosecution Docket." Will this dismiss the filing of the divorce? I have since moved since filing for divorce. Can I have that one dismissed and then file Pro Se in the county in which I have lived for over six...
09/17/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Texas | #8813How do I report an uncooperative attorney?
I have a 4 year old son who lives with his mother and grandmother across the street fom me. For 3 years of this seperation all well. Recently she filed for divorce, forcing me to retain a lawyer. My lawyer has advised me that---for months-- he has tried to contact her representation via e-mail, Postal, and phone. This has made a simple matter financially devistating to me. ...
05/25/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Virginia | #5942Where can I find information on collecting for work not performed by my attorney?
Almost 1 year ago I went to an attorney in Knoxville and paid her $1175.00 to file Bankruptcy for me. She took my money and never filed the Bankruptcy, she always came up with one excuse after another why she couldn't file it. I did everything she asked me to do. After all this time I don't want her as my lawyer so I asked for my money back and she refuses to refund any of it. ...
05/24/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Tennessee | #5884What is an acceptable amount of time to receive information from your attorney?
We are currently working with a lawyer who doesn't really seem to be all that knowledgable in child support cases. He had assured us that he was. We paid $750 up front and provided all financial documentation. He stated that he charges $75/hr. We went to court once but the plaintiff didn't show up. He said that he "needed to put time on the books so we talked for an hour a...
05/08/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Ohio | #4147How can I get legal aid in Waco, Texas?
I need to find legal aid in Waco, Texas or Hillsboro, Texas
05/06/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Texas | #3938Can my ex-spouse hire an attorney that I have already consulted with about the issue?
If I spoke with an attorney and explained that my son in the Military wanted a divorce and after talking to her intake person we did not utilize this attorney but the respondent did as her father does plumbing work for said attorney and she entered her appearance? Is this legal as the Petitioner's mother has already discussed case and monies. Can she be disqualified?
05/03/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New Mexico | #3599