Criminal Legal Questions and Answers
- Appeals (10)
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- Expungement of Criminal Reco... (141)
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- Make my Day Law (1)
- Minors (17)
- Miranda Rights (3)
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- Search and Seizure (16)
- Sentences (55)
- Sex Offfender (11)
- Speedy Trial (8)
- Statute of Limitations (16)
- Statutory Rape (45)
- Theft (3)
- Warrants (14)
Is a ticket for underage alcohol consumption legal if they didn't do a breathalyzer or blood test?
Is a ticket for underage alcohol consumption legal if they didn't do a breathalyzer or blood test? Is there something we can do? It was on college campus.
05/10/2010 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Colorado | #22056Can A Minor Be Questioned on School Grounds By Police Without His Parents Present?
Is it legal for a police officer to question a minor on school grounds without notifying the parents in Wisconsin?
05/07/2010 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Wisconsin | #22038What is the sentence for a juvenile who commits armed robbery in Texas?
What is the punishment for a 16 year old in Texas for armed robbery?
10/15/2009 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Texas | #19121Is that a felony or misdemeanor to let a 16 year old take to drinks of vodka?
Is that a felony or misdemeanor to let a 16 year old take to drinks of vodka?
06/23/2009 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: South Carolina | #17147Can a minor own title to a vehicle in Arkansas
In Arkansas can a minor own title to vehicle? What if dad paid for it and minor some how obtained a title can father stand ground and keep truck away as punishment?
06/22/2009 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Arkansas | #17118Miranda Rights of a Minor in California
Can I appeal a juvenile case were a child said he did smoke marijuana after hours of interrogation with no counsel or parent present? There is evidence the child said that only after being told that he would not get in trouble. The crime was in 2000 when the child was 14. I feel like I have failed as a parent; is there anything I can do?
04/14/2009 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: California | #16013Minor Having Sex with Adult with Parent Permission
A girl I know lets her 13 year old girl have sex with so far 3 boys one is at the age of 18 years. She thinks as long as she gives permission no one has the right to do anything about it. Please tell me how serious this can be for both parties involved.
03/12/2009 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: California | #15594Is an order of protection public information?
Is an order of protection public information? This is very important because my sons father has him around a woman with an order of protection against her for abusing a 13 year old girl.
09/15/2007 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: New York | #8767If you are a minor and have had a minor in possession conviction not while driving, is this a felony or misdemeanor?
If you are a minor and have had a minor in possession conviction not while driving, what is that classified as a felony or misdemeanor? And is that record open to employers?
09/10/2007 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Missouri | #8568