Criminal » Sentences Legal Questions and Answers
What are the sentence for escape 3rd degree in Alabama?
What are the sentence for escape 3rd degree in Alabama?
10/05/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Alabama | #9712What is the legal definition of a life sentence?
I was watching a story on A&E and someone was sentenced to life + 99 years. Isn't life in prison until you die? how does this word I am just wondering if you can help me to understand.
09/27/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Arkansas | #9193What actions or penalty will the court give for shoplifting if its the first time
What actions or penalty will the court give for shoplifting if its the first time and no other record of crime or shoplifting?
09/27/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: ALL | #9189What is the penalty for conspiracy?
What is the penalty for conspiracy?
09/25/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: ALL | #9047What is deferred probation?
I would like to know what deferred probation is in detail. If someone is placed on this what are the stipulations.
09/24/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Texas | #8993If a person has entered a plea, does the court system have to sentence them in a certain amount of time?
If a person has entered a plea, does the court system have to sentence them in a certain amount of time or can they drag it out as long as they want?
09/13/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Pennsylvania | #8704What is the penalty for committing purgery?
What is the penalty for committing purgery?
05/19/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: California | #5330What are the consequences for public intoxication (minor) and minor comsumption?
My 19 year old daughter was arrested for public intoxication and minor comsumption april 29 and goes to court may 18. what can she expect when she goes to court on friday?
05/15/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Indiana | #4848What are the punishments for petty larceny, a class a misdemeanor?
What are the punishments for petty larceny, a class a misdemeanor?
05/09/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: New York | #4340What is the fine for possession of a controlled substance in Arkansas?
What is the fine for possession of a controlled substance?
04/29/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Arkansas | #3403