Criminal » Warrants Legal Questions and Answers
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If a search warrant says to be served during the night season and they serve it at 2 p.m. is it legal?
If a search warrant says to be served during the night season and they serve it at 2 p.m. is it legal?
11/27/2016 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Ohio | #27205Can police officers barge into my house unannounced, if they have a search warrant?
Two officers from the local PD got a search warrant to search my next-door neighbor’s house at 11 p.m. These officers knocked the front door down without any warning and barged into the house. This incident occurred after my neighbor had lodged an internal complaint with the local PD against these two officers harassing and verbally abusing a couple of teenagers in the neighbor...
11/09/2016 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: ALL | #26475Can I Be Arrested if I Don't Answer a Civil Summons?
Can i be arrested if i don't answer a alias summons regarding civil matter.
06/13/2011 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Illinois | #25016How Do I Find Out if There's a Warrant for Me?
How does one find out if there is warrant for their arrest in the state of WISCONSIN. a police officer interuppted a company training session to speak with me about the where abouts of someone I know. After answering his questions I went back in training room and shut the door. A few minutes later he opens the door and asks me to step outside.We were 5 minutes away from ending ...
04/22/2011 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Wisconsin | #24698Can a Warrant be Issued the Day After a Summons is Issued?
Can the court issue a summon on certain date and issue an arrest warrant on next date on same case?
12/04/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Tennessee | #23759Can I Be Arrested on a Warrant From Another State?
if there is a bench warrant out for an individual on a oui or a dui is the warrant for the state you got it in or can the law go after the individual nation wide
11/28/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Iowa | #23712Can Police Go to My Job With a Warrant an Tell them to Fire me?
the police went to my work without a warrant asking him to call me so i can come in an give them a statement .. Also they told him not to let me work for him for a couple days an eventually asking him to fire me ...My owner asked them for a document from the city an he would comply, but told the police his lawyer advised him that if he does my civil rights could be broken an h...
08/21/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: California | #22974How Do I Clear an Old Warrant in California?
I recently found out i have a warrant in ca from '93. i live in AZ now and have been in no trouble, and a legal drivers license. i don't have much money but would like to have this issue resolved. what can i do? DUI was my offense.
07/23/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Arizona | #22733Can I Be Arrested if I Don't Appear at a Civil Court Date?
Will I be physically arrested if i do not made it to court for a non payment issue if i just found out the date is one I can not take off of work, will they come physically arrest me
07/19/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Massachusetts | #22706How Do I Get an Arrest Warrant Removed?
I was accused of a crime 9 months ago that i did not do some one was mad and wrote a false statement against me. I talked to the police and was released. after the person wrote a retraction of there statement and before i moved out of the state i asked the investigating officer for permission to move out of state. he told me i could now a friend back in that state telling me i ...
01/10/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Kentucky | #20367
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