What can I do to force my relative to pay me money that he owes me?
Full Question:
I got an apartment in my name and let a relative live there a year ago. The relative ended up getting evicted. He agreed to pay the ending cost the landlord requested. He hasn't given me the money for that so I can get the eviction off my name. I can't get an apartment or house in my name. He let me live with him being that I don't have a home to go to. His girlfriend decided to kick me out yesterday because I wouldn't give them the password to my computer. I know how that sounds but it's true. Can I take him to court for the money owed? Could I also get extra money being that the eviction is on my credit? I don't know if that's called defamation of character or pain and suffering? He needs to pay the money so my child and I can have a place to stay. It's not fair that I don't have anywhere to stay because of them and they're living just fine.
09/26/2007 |
Category: Debts and Credit |
State: South Carolina |
There is no recovery against a person merely for damaging your credit unless you can prove losses due to the loss of rating they caused. You can sue for money owed based on a contractual promise to pay a debt. It will be a matter of evidence for the court if the contract was oral.