Divorce Legal Questions and Answers
What Do I Do If I Am Denied Visitation in Tennessee?
A friend of mine is the father of 4 children by 3 different women. He pays child support for all four. Of the four adults involved, he is the ONLY parent with a full time job. The 3 women either do not work or CHOOSE to only work part-time because they don't want full-time hours. He pays $100 for two of the children (a piece). The other two children (daughters) he fathered ...
06/22/2009 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Tennessee | #17131How would I get supervised visitation to protect my son since his father is getting out of prison?
My son is 10 years old and his father has been in and out of his life since birth and has never followed court orders on visitation. He's been on and off drugs, hangs around nothing but drug dealers and has been to prison 3 times with numerous felonies. He was sentenced to 8 year TDC time February 07. He's up for parole and I'm scared. He doesn't know how to be a father, I'm af...
05/18/2009 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Texas | #16700What Type of Bond is Needed for my Children to Visit Me in Another State?
My Children live in Washington State. I Now live in California. I want to see my two kids, but my ex wife said I need to get a Bond. Were can I get one?
03/10/2009 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: California | #15515Who is obligated to pay for daycare when my child is visiting the other parent?
I live in Dallas Texas and recently took my daughters father to court to get his periods of possession and child support order in writing. I was granted exclusive rights to my daughter's education. But the father says that he can take her out of her daycare during his period of possession and not pay to hold her spot. Example, next week which is is Christmas period if possess...
12/18/2008 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Texas | #14830I am 18 years old and pregnant. The father is about to turn 17. He has not been involved in this pregnancy and does not acc...
I am 18 years old and pregnant. The father is about to turn 17. He has not been involved in this pregnancy and does not accept responsibility. Once my child is born, the fathers mother says that they are going to get visitation rights. What visitation rights can he recieve since he is still in high school and under the age of 18?
09/10/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Missouri | #8572Does the father still have visitation rights?
When the father has a court order for visitation rights but has not visited the child in about 3 years. Does the father still have visitation right?
08/27/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Tennessee | #8247What is the legal definition of Wilson v. Wilson?
I need to know the legal definition of wilson vs wilson so I know if the non custodial parent is responsible for transpertation to and from all visits.
08/26/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Nebraska | #8224What should I do to be able to visit my son or even talk to him?
I have a son that is 5 years old and his father has legal custody of him (we were never married). I am in the navy and on sea duty and have not been able to visit him much in the last 3 years but always did what I could when I could. He complained that I never called but once every 2-3 months. He is now married and so am I. He is denying me visitation with him and wants me ...
05/22/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Virginia | #5614Can a child under the age of 18 at any time decide that she no longer wants to visit with the noncustodial parent?
Can a child under the age of 18 at any time decide that she no longer wants to visit with the noncustodial parent?
05/21/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Texas | #5418How do I get supervised visitation against my husband?
My ex husband is a drug addict, we have been to court twice. The first time was for a divorce and visitation. The second time was because he said I was in contempt and to modify the custody agreement. While he had my daughter with him under the first agreement, he was treated at Columbus County hospital for drugs. My lawyer proved that he had cocaine in his system by the hospi...
05/16/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: North Carolina | #4967