Divorce » Child Custody Legal Questions and Answers
What is the legal age for my son to choose who to live with?
In New Jersey is there legal age when he can choose which parent he can live with (my son is 14)?
05/05/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: New Jersey | #3815What legal grounds do I have to make my 17 year old return from her mother's home?
My 17 year old step daughter has been at her mother's house for 2 weeks. My husband has custody of her. She is a junior in high school. Do we have legal grounds to make her come home?
05/04/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Mississippi | #3724Does my ex need my consent before taking our child out of the state?
My ex and I share joint legal and physical custody of our 12 year old son Jesse. My question is, does she need my consent before taking Jesse out of the state? She informed me that she wants to take him on a vacation this summer to Hawaii for a week, which would be during a week that he is scheduled to be in her custody. Just wondering if I have any say in the matter of crossi...
05/04/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: California | #3722Should I go through the court to establish a custody agreement?
I have a child by someone that I lived with for twenty years, never got married and we now no longer live together. I would like to have custody papers drawn up. The child in question has lived with me for the past 3 years. Would we have to go to court and have lawyers or can I just have papers drawn up?
05/03/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Arkansas | #3687Can my sister leave the state with her children if there is no established custody agreement?
My sister has a child w/ a man but they were never married, but lived together for 8 years. He moved out of their home in January after physically abusing her and he has not been providing any financial help since he left. My sister is having a hard time making it financially and doesn't have any one to help her out. She lives in Texas. I offered for her to move out to Arkansas...
05/03/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Arkansas | #3665I have a one year old daughter involved in my separation. I have not separated from my husband at this time. I had found ou...
I have a one year old daughter involved in my separation. I have not separated from my husband at this time. I had found out that he has been cheating on me, and I can not afford a divorce lawyer at this time. So separation at this point seems fit. But I don’t know what to do about custody issues as well as how to make it legal.
04/30/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: New Hampshire | #3460What is needed to prove abandonment by a non-custodial parent?
Under Montana law, what is needed to prove abandonment by a non-custodial parent? What does it take to gain custodial care of my minor children if the current custodial parent is proving unstable and homeless?
04/25/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Montana | #3308Does a fourteen year old have the right to decide with which parent he want to live at?
A fourteen year old boy who lives with his mother wants to live with his father. The parents have joint custody. The father pays child support and has visitation rights on the weekends. The mother has remarried. The father is still single. Does the boy have legal right to decide who he would live with?
04/24/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Nevada | #3294Who has jurisdiction over my child custody issues if both parents are Tribal members?
I am an enrolled Tribal member with a child enrolled in another Tribe. I am looking to set up a parenting plan with his father, also a Tribal member. The child resides and attends school on my Reservation and learns Native cultural tradition from my Tribe. Where does the child custody jurisdiction fall? My Tribe offers free mediation.
04/24/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Montana | #3290Can the father get custody if the child is not living with the mother who has custody?
If the mother has custody of the child and that child has not lived with her in over a year can the father get full custudy?
04/21/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Illinois | #3258