Divorce » Remarriage Legal Questions and Answers
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Does the waiting period for remarriage of Nebraska apply if I live in California?
My ex currently lives in Nebraska and has recently filed divorce. I currently live in Ca. I'm not planning on contesting the divorce. It's pretty straight forward since there are no kids, no assets, and no real debt. Am wondering since I live in Ca and he lives in Nebraska what is the amount of time I have to wait once the divorce is final in order to remarry. I have read and b...
02/02/2017 | Category: Divorce » Remarriage | State: Nebraska | #31439I got divorced last week. Now we want to reunite. Can we remarry now or should we wait?
I am a divorcee and I live in Texas. We divorced last week. Now we want to reunite. Is it possible for us to remarry now or should we wait?
01/04/2017 | Category: Divorce » Remarriage | State: Texas | #29410Is there any hindrance on a marriage after obtaining a legal divorce?
I am divorcee residing in Cortland, New York. I would like to know if there is any hindrance on a marriage after obtaining a legal divorce.
12/27/2016 | Category: Divorce » Remarriage | State: New York | #28866My ex husband married someone else even though we are not legally divorced. What should I do?
I have just found out that the man I married in NY in 96 has married someone else and we are not divorced. I married this man twice, the first time in 75, by doing a search I have found many marriages and divorces, and this makes me question the validity of either of my marriages. Where do I go from here, I have spoken to his current wife and she says she will help me in any wa...
07/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Remarriage | State: Georgia | #7001
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