Tuition reimbursement; part of the program states that you must be employed for one ye...
Full Question:
I work for a company that has provided tuition reimbursement; part of the program states that you must be employed for one year after the payment of the class or you have to repay the full amount. I have not graduated from my program; however, the HR manager (and subsequently - for lack of doing anything about the issues - the plant manager) has created what I feel is a hostile work environment, and I feel compelled to leave the company. If I do, would I have a legal viewpoint to stand up for myself to not repay the tuition?
08/29/2007 |
Category: Employment |
State: Nevada |
The answer depends on the wording of the contract. It is possible a court would interpret it as not applying to a constructive discharge, if one were proven. Based on the information provided, or nature of the matter, we are unable to assist over the Internet. It would probably be best that you consult a local attorney for assistance with this, who can review all the documents and facts involved.