Am I obligated to pay child support to wealthy guardian?
Full Question:
Guardianship is generally different form adoption, as it does not cut off the ties to the child’s parents forever. Guardianship temporarily changes the custody of the child but the child and the parents are still legally related. Simultaneously, the parents also still have a legal responsibility to support the child financially. The duty of support by a parent is not dependent on visitation. If the guardian denies visitation, the parent still must pay support payments.
The answer will depend on the nature of the guardianship and the facts and circumstances involved. For example, if you signed a voluntary power of attorney, it may be possible to revoke the power of attorney. If the guardianship was established through the court, it may be possible to petition the court to terminate the guardianship. If you don't wish to terminate the guardianship, it may be possible to petition for a modification of the child support order. I suggest you contact a local attorney who can review all the facts and documents involved.