How do I file a lien against an LLC with exemptions?
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The following is a TX statute:
property, as described in Section 42.002, is exempt from
garnishment, attachment, execution, or other seizure if:
(1) the property is provided for a family and has an
aggregate fair market value of not more than $60,000, exclusive of
the amount of any liens, security interests, or other charges
encumbering the property; or
(2) the property is owned by a single adult, who is not
a member of a family, and has an aggregate fair market value of not
more than $30,000, exclusive of the amount of any liens, security
interests, or other charges encumbering the property.
(b) The following personal property is exempt from seizure
and is not included in the aggregate limitations prescribed by
Subsection (a):
(1) current wages for personal services, except for
the enforcement of court-ordered child support payments;
(2) professionally prescribed health aids of a debtor
or a dependent of a debtor; and
(3) alimony, support, or separate maintenance
received or to be received by the debtor for the support of the
debtor or a dependent of the debtor.
(c) This section does not prevent seizure by a secured
creditor with a contractual landlord's lien or other security in
the property to be seized.
(d) Unpaid commissions for personal services not to exceed
25 percent of the aggregate limitations prescribed by Subsection
(a) are exempt from seizure and are included in the aggregate.
Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 3522, ch. 576, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1984.
Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 175, § 1, eff. May 24, 1991;
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1046, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
§ 42.002. PERSONAL PROPERTY. (a) The following personal
property is exempt under Section 42.001(a):
(1) home furnishings, including family heirlooms;
(2) provisions for consumption;
(3) farming or ranching vehicles and implements;
(4) tools, equipment, books, and apparatus, including
boats and motor vehicles used in a trade or profession;
(5) wearing apparel;
(6) jewelry not to exceed 25 percent of the aggregate
limitations prescribed by Section 42.001(a);
(7) two firearms;
(8) athletic and sporting equipment, including
(9) a two-wheeled, three-wheeled, or four-wheeled
motor vehicle for each member of a family or single adult who holds
a driver's license or who does not hold a driver's license but who
relies on another person to operate the vehicle for the benefit of
the nonlicensed person;
(10) the following animals and forage on hand for
their consumption:
(A) two horses, mules, or donkeys and a saddle,
blanket, and bridle for each;
(B) 12 head of cattle;
(C) 60 head of other types of livestock; and
(D) 120 fowl; and
(11) household pets.
(b) Personal property, unless precluded from being
encumbered by other law, may be encumbered by a security interest
under Subchapter B, Chapter 9, Business & Commerce Code, or
Subchapter F, Chapter 501, Transportation Code, or by a lien fixed
by other law, and the security interest or lien may not be avoided
on the ground that the property is exempt under this chapter.
Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 3522, ch. 576, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1984.
Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 175, § 1, eff. May 24, 1991;
Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 216, § 1, eff. May, 17, 1993; Acts
1997, 75th Leg., ch. 165, § 30.245, eff. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts
1999, 76th Leg., ch. 414, § 2.36, eff. July 1, 2001; Acts 1999,
76th Leg., ch. 846, § 1, eff. Aug. 30, 1999.
PLANS. (a) In addition to the exemption prescribed by Section
42.001, a person's right to the assets held in or to receive
payments, whether vested or not, under any stock bonus, pension,
profit-sharing, or similar plan, including a retirement plan for
self-employed individuals, and under any annuity or similar
contract purchased with assets distributed from that type of plan,
and under any retirement annuity or account described by Section
403(b) or 408A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and under any
individual retirement account or any individual retirement
annuity, including a simplified employee pension plan, and under
any health savings account described by Section 223 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, is exempt from attachment, execution, and
seizure for the satisfaction of debts unless the plan, contract, or
account does not qualify under the applicable provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986. A person's right to the assets held
in or to receive payments, whether vested or not, under a government
or church plan or contract is also exempt unless the plan or
contract does not qualify under the definition of a government or
church plan under the applicable provisions of the federal Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. If this subsection is held
invalid or preempted by federal law in whole or in part or in
certain circumstances, the subsection remains in effect in all
other respects to the maximum extent permitted by law.
(b) Contributions to an individual retirement account,
other than contributions to a Roth IRA described in Section 408A,
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or an annuity that exceed the amounts
deductible under the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 and any accrued earnings on such contributions are not
exempt under this section unless otherwise exempt by law. Amounts
qualifying as nontaxable rollover contributions under Section
402(a)(5), 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), or 408(d)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 before January 1, 1993, are treated as exempt
amounts under Subsection (a). Amounts treated as qualified
rollover contributions under Section 408A, Internal Revenue Code of
1986, are treated as exempt amounts under Subsection (a). In
addition, amounts qualifying as nontaxable rollover contributions
under Section 402(c), 402(e)(6), 402(f), 403(a)(4), 403(a)(5),
403(b)(8), 403(b)(10), 408(d)(3), or 408A of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 on or after January 1, 1993, are treated as exempt
amounts under Subsection (a). Amounts qualifying as nontaxable
rollover contributions under Section 223(f)(5) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 on or after January 1, 2004, are treated as
exempt amounts under Subsection (a).
(c) Amounts distributed from a plan or contract entitled to
the exemption under Subsection (a) are not subject to seizure for a
creditor's claim for 60 days after the date of distribution if the
amounts qualify as a nontaxable rollover contribution under
Subsection (b).
(d) A participant or beneficiary of a stock bonus, pension,
profit-sharing, retirement plan, or government plan is not
prohibited from granting a valid and enforceable security interest
in the participant's or beneficiary's right to the assets held in or
to receive payments under the plan to secure a loan to the
participant or beneficiary from the plan, and the right to the
assets held in or to receive payments from the plan is subject to
attachment, execution, and seizure for the satisfaction of the
security interest or lien granted by the participant or beneficiary
to secure the loan.
(e) If Subsection (a) is declared invalid or preempted by
federal law, in whole or in part or in certain circumstances, as
applied to a person who has not brought a proceeding under Title 11,
United States Code, the subsection remains in effect, to the
maximum extent permitted by law, as to any person who has filed that
type of proceeding.
(f) A reference in this section to a specific provision of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 includes a subsequent amendment
of the substance of that provision.
Added by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 376, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.
Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1122, § 1, eff. Sept. 1,
1989; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 963, § 1, eff. Aug. 28, 1995;
Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 106, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts
2005, 79th Leg., ch. 130, § 1, 2, eff. May 24, 2005.
addition to the exemption prescribed by Section 42.001, a person's
right to the assets held in or to receive payments or benefits under
any of the following is exempt from attachment, execution, and
seizure for the satisfaction of debts:
(1) any fund or plan established under Subchapter F,
Chapter 54, Education Code, including the person's interest in a
prepaid tuition contract;
(2) any fund or plan established under Subchapter G,
Chapter 54, Education Code, including the person's interest in a
savings trust account; or
(3) any qualified tuition program of any state that
meets the requirements of Section 529, Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.
(b) If any portion of this section is held to be invalid or
preempted by federal law in whole or in part or in certain
circumstances, this section remains in effect in all other respects
to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 113, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.
number or amount of a type of personal property owned by a debtor
exceeds the exemption allowed by Section 42.002 and the debtor can
be found in the county where the property is located, the officer
making a levy on the property shall ask the debtor to designate the
personal property to be levied on. If the debtor cannot be found in
the county or the debtor fails to make a designation within a
reasonable time after the officer's request, the officer shall make
the designation.
(b) If the aggregate value of a debtor's personal property
exceeds the amount exempt from seizure under Section 42.001(a), the
debtor may designate the portion of the property to be levied on.
If, after a court's request, the debtor fails to make a designation
within a reasonable time or if for any reason a creditor contests
that the property is exempt, the court shall make the designation.
Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 3524, ch. 576, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1984.
Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 175, § 1, eff. May 24, 1991.
person uses the property not exempt under this chapter to acquire,
obtain an interest in, make improvement to, or pay an indebtedness
on personal property which would be exempt under this chapter with
the intent to defraud, delay, or hinder an interested person from
obtaining that to which the interested person is or may be entitled,
the property, interest, or improvement acquired is not exempt from
seizure for the satisfaction of liabilities. If the property,
interest, or improvement is acquired by discharging an encumbrance
held by a third person, a person defrauded, delayed, or hindered is
subrogated to the rights of the third person.
(b) A creditor may not assert a claim under this section
more than two years after the transaction from which the claim
arises. A person with a claim that is unliquidated or contingent at
the time of the transaction may not assert a claim under this
section more than one year after the claim is reduced to judgment.
(c) It is a defense to a claim under this section that the
transfer was made in the ordinary course of business by the person
making the transfer.
Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 3524, ch. 576, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1984.
Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 175, § 1, eff. May 24, 1991.
§ 42.005. CHILD SUPPORT LIENS. Sections 42.001, 42.002,
and 42.0021 of this code do not apply to a child support lien
established under Subchapter G, Chapter 157, Family Code.
Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 1st C.S., ch. 15, § 4.07, eff.
Sept. 1, 1991. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 165, § 7.56,
eff. Sept. 1, 1997.