Landlord Tenant » Commercial Lease Legal Questions and Answers
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Can a Landlord Restrict Business Hours in a Commercial Lease?
we are a sublessee in a shopping mall in San Diego California. Primary is the Port Authority of San Diego. Does the lessor landlord from the Port district have the right to diictate to shop tenants hours of operationand in the event you do not comply extract a fine of a nominal amount for non compliaiance
04/29/2011 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Commercial L... | State: California | #24749How do I end a commercial lease that automatically renews every six months?
I have a commerical lease that renews every six months. Can I get out of it? last expired/renewed 12/15/08-6/15/09.
02/24/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Commercial L... | State: California | #15345
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