Licenses » real estate Legal Questions and Answers
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Do I need a real estate sales license to start a real estate company
I want to start a Residential and Commercial Property Management company. Do I need a Real Estate Sales License in the state of Massachusetts?
03/11/2009 | Category: Licenses » real estate | State: Massachusetts | #15551If I had my record expunged can I answer no on the previous criminal record question?
About 12 years ago, pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor (as an adult). Never in trouble before or since. Received an expungement 3 years later. Now applying for an Oregon Real Estate Broker's license. State Real Estate Agency application asks if ever convicted of a crime, even if later dismissed. (Does not mention expunged) Do I have the right to answer "no" because of the expu...
04/05/2007 | Category: Licenses » real estate | State: Oregon | #2651
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