Marriage Legal Questions and Answers
I married my Girlfriend because she was pregnant but I was already married?
Last October my live-in girlfriend and I went to Alabama and got married. She was pregnant and we didn't want the baby to be born illegitimately. However; I was still married at the time and my divorce was not final for 2 months. She knew this at the time, but will not admit it now. Later she lost the baby and now we have broken off. Are we really married? What legal ramificati...
09/03/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Tennessee | #8409What is the legal definition of "marriage"? Specifically, "traditional", common law, and gay marriages. I cannot find short,...
What is the legal definition of "marriage"? Specifically, "traditional", common law, and gay marriages. I cannot find short, but accurate definitions.
07/08/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: California | #7002What kind of responsibility does a citizen have if he gets in Farsi marriage?
What kind of responsibility does a citizen have if he gets in Farsi marriage?
07/04/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #6917What is responsibility for citizen USA who enters into a false marriage?
What is responsibility for citizen USA who enters in false marriage?
07/04/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: New York | #6916Where can I find out more information on matters related to "Marital Interference" in the state of Georgia.
Where can I find out more information on matters related to "Marital Interference" in the state of Georgia.
05/31/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Georgia | #6077What are my rights once married regarding property of my new husband and his will
I am marrying a man who's former wife is deceased, he has one adult child. He currently owns a sucessful corporation and home in his name and his deceased wife. He has a will but it is not current since her death. He is not interested in getting a prenuptial and has not said what he plans on changing in his will. I am not sure what I would be entitled to if not included in ...
05/25/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Pennsylvania | #5954Do I have a legal right to file "marital interference" charges on the mistress?
My husband and I have been married for 6 1/2 years. I recently discovered that he has commited adultery. I want to know if there is a legal right to file marital interference" charges on the mistress as she will not leave our marriage now that she has been invited to do so.
05/25/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Utah | #5938Do we need to do anything legally before my husband and I renew our wedding vows?
I am married and my spouse and I want to renew our wedding vows are there any legal matters (license, fees, etc.) we need to take care of before we plan the renewal ceremony?
05/24/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Michigan | #5831Can I force my alcoholic husband out of our marital home if he does not get help?
I am married and have a 15 yr old daughter. My husband is an alcoholic. I want him to find someplace else to stay until he gets some help. He says he won't leave. What legal options do I have to make him leave? He is gone for the weekend, and I thought I might be able to find out something before he returns?
05/18/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Texas | #5193Could I be responsible for my new husband's debts?
I am interested in marrying a man who is about to declare bankruptcy. I have a lot of assets. My question is this: If we should decide to marry, will I be liable for his debts? I need to be cautious about my future and cannot afford to loose any assets. Can Uncle Sam attach my resources? I am an older woman who has no one to support her so I must be cautious about my future.
05/15/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Texas | #4877