What are the eligibility requirements to get married in Connecticut?
Full Question:
Any two persons may marry in Connecticut so long as both parties to the marriage meet Connecticut’s eligibility requirements. Note that as of November 12, 2008, same sex marriage became legal in Connecticut. The eligibility requirements and application process for same sex marriage are identical to the requirements for opposite sex marriage.
A person is eligible to marry if such person is:
Not a party to another marriage, or a legal relationship that provides substantially the same rights, benefits and responsibilities as a marriage, or one of the following exceptions are met:
the person is joined in a civil union and such person marries their civil union partner; or
the person is joined in another type of legal relationship that is substantially similar to a civil union, and such person marries the partner of such other relationship.
At least 18 years old, or one of the following exceptions are met:
the person is under 18 years of age, and such person has received written consent to marry from a parent, guardian, or in the absence of such parent or guardian, a probate court judge; or
the person is under 16 years of age, and such person has received written consent to marry from a probate court judge.
Not under the supervision or control of a conservator, or the following exception is met:
the person is under the supervision or control of a conservator and such person has received written consent to marry from their conservator.
Not prohibited from marrying pursuant to section C.G.S. § 46b-21. C.G.S. § 46-21 prohibits persons from marrying their parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, parent’s sibling, sibling’s child, stepparent or stepchild.
If you are planning to marry, you and your spouse-to-be must appear in person at a local vital records office to apply for a marriage license. The marriage license is issued to ensure that you and your spouse-to-be are eligible to be married. You must apply for your marriage license at the vital records office of the town where the marriage is to take place.
You will need to complete the marriage license application, provide identification and make a sworn statement that the information that you provide is true. You no longer need to have a blood test to obtain a marriage license in Connecticut.
Once the marriage ceremony takes place, the marriage officiator will submit the license to the registrar of vital records of the town where the marriage took place. The registrar will then register the license and place it on file for permanent record. Once registered, the marriage license becomes a vital record and is referred to as a marriage certificate.