Medicaid Legal Questions and Answers
If I put my mother in a state nursing home should I protect her assets and if so how?
My Mother is 80 years old and living in Church supported retirement community. I may soon have no choice but to put her in a nursing home. She has an annuity of $7000 in Lousiana. She has a joint checking account with me, with $15,000 of our money. If I put her in a nursing home can they seize all of this, and take my money? How I can avoid such a seizure?
02/18/2009 | Category: Medicaid | State: Alabama | #15284Can my elderly mother give me her property with a gift deed?
My Mother in law is 89 years old with diabetes and the first stages of alzheimers. Can she give me her property with a gift deed and save it from being confiscated when she enters a nursing home. Her only assets are 50 acres of land which she has owned for over 60 years.
01/23/2009 | Category: Medicaid | State: Texas | #15051How do I get my medicare card replaced?
I damaged my Medicare card and need to request a new one?
10/19/2007 | Category: Medicaid | State: New Jersey | #10574Can Medicaid put a lien on my friend's house if he receives assistance?
I am in joint ownership of a home with a roommate that has Dementia. I am trying to get him on medicaid, but they say they will lein the house. Could I put the house in a trust?
04/04/2007 | Category: Medicaid | State: Nevada | #2645