Minors Legal Questions and Answers
Where can I find a parental consent for to perform a message on a minor?
I am a massage therapist and work in a spa that is going to start performing massages on children from age 10 and up. The parent or guardian needs to sign a consent form but does not need to be present when the child is at the spa or in the service. I disagree and want the parent in the room during the service. A natural reaction to massage could include an erection...a natu...
04/13/2007 | Category: Minors | State: California | #3086Is it legal in the state of Minnesota to kick a minor out of his or her legal guardians home?
Is it legal in the state of Minnesota to kick a minor out of his or her legal guardians home?
04/12/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Minnesota | #2998If a minor purchases a car and makes payments but later returns car can he expect his money returned
If a minor, aged 17, purchases a car and after making a down payment and six months of making payments, returns the car, can the minor expect to receive any of his money back?
04/11/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Ohio | #2982Can I move out of my house at the age of 17 while still enroled in public school?
Can I move out of my house at the age of 17 while still enroled in public school? Will be 18 in October of 2007.
04/11/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Indiana | #2970If a minor leaves home with parents permission who is obligated to support this minor financially?
My daughter has a minor friend who is seeking to move out of her mothers home, her mother said she is willing to sign papers to allow her to move out if that's what she chooses. I'm concerned about the minors rights and entitlements (ie her share of her child support from her father-he resides in CA-and her entitlement to Disability from her fathers claim) to assist in her fin...
04/11/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Florida | #2935What can I do to force my 16 year old son home or to live with his father?
At the age of 16 can my son remove himself from the house and live with a friend. Do I have any legal rights? I am still responsible for him so what can I do if he won't come home. My son has the option to move with his father but doesn't want to leave the group he hangs out with. We're trying to remove him from a bad road he seems to be on.
04/10/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Connecticut | #2873What are the requirements to become emancipated?
How to I find a form for filling out to be emancipated?
04/08/2007 | Category: Minors | State: South Dakota | #2779What are the requirements to become emanciapted?
Is it possible to become emancipated at the age of 14 in NC?
04/08/2007 | Category: Minors | State: North Carolina | #2772What can I do to a 16 year old babysitter that drove my car without permission and wrecked it?
I hired a babysitter, 16 years old, that does not have a drivers license. She drove my car, without my permission, and hit a tree causing over one thousand dollars damage to my car. Is it possible to put a lien on her so that she can not obtain her drivers license until she pays me for the damage that she caused to my vehicle?
04/07/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Florida | #2739What are the requirements to become emancipated?
If I wanted to get emancipated from my mother how would I do that? What are the qualifications and laws about that?
04/06/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Oklahoma | #2719