Minors Legal Questions and Answers
Can I decide who I want to live with if I am 15 years old?
If your parents are thinking about divorce, and one thinking of also leaving the state, as a 15 year old teen can you decide on which parent you want to stay with?
09/24/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Wyoming | #8986What can happen to me if my daughter who is a minor left home because she can not follow the rules?
I have a minor child(17) that refuses to live in my home. She will not allow me to do my job as a parent by following the rules of my home. I have lost control of her. I will not compromise with the simple rules of the home. She cannot live with these rules so she packed up and left. She is not missing, she is not homeless, I did not kick her out, and she is welcome back at a...
09/23/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Maine | #8949At what age can a child decide who to live with?
At what age can a minor request different living arrangements. I.E. Lives with mother wants to live with father. This is in the state of wisconsin
09/21/2007 | Category: Minors | State: ALL | #8929Can a child of sixteen be sued by his father?
Can a child of sixteen be sued by his father?
09/19/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Pennsylvania | #8888Can I force my daughter to move with us if she is only 17 and has a child?
I have a 17 year old daughter who has an 11 month old daughter. We (her step father and I) are in the process of moving from this area. The problem is, my daughter thinks she is emancipated here in Virginia because she is a parent herself. She says if we make her move with us, she will leave the baby her with her girlfriend. Can I make her and her child go with me until she tur...
09/19/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Virginia | #8884Can a child move out at 17 or do they need to be emancipated?
Can a child at 17 move out of their parents house (if it is okay with the parents) or does it have to be by emancipation? And if emancipation, does that nullify any insurance or inheritance that the child my have?
09/19/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Louisiana | #8871Is it legal for DHS to question my 6 year old at school without my permission or knowledge?
Is it legal for the Department of Children and Family Services to question my 6 year old child at her school without my permission or without my knowledge.
09/18/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Florida | #8863Is it legal for me to allow my 17 year old daughter to move to another state with her boyfriend?
I live in Florida and My 17 year old daughter wants to move to new jersey with her fiance. Is it legal for me to allow her to move?
09/18/2007 | Category: Minors | State: New Jersey | #8857If I am 17 and have a baby can I move in with my boyfriend without my parents permission?
I am 17 years old and I have a 3 month old baby. I want to move in with my boyfriend. Can my parents have the police bring me home? I have asked to have them sign an empancipation document and they refuse. My boyfriend is 19. They told me they will have him arrested for statatory rape and kidnapping. I know this sounds extreme, but I do not doubt they will try. What righ...
09/17/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Nebraska | #8814Is it legal for a school to have a child sign an agreement and in effect be held liable?
My childrens school is asking for the child to sign an agreement regard the Technology Lab and in effect will be held liable, criminally. Their ages are 12 and 10. Is this legal?
09/14/2007 | Category: Minors | State: New York | #8726