Minors Legal Questions and Answers
What is Indiana's age of majority? At what age does parent's financial responsibility cease?
If a teenager fails school/is recommended to leave traditional school and attend GED program, and in addition, refuses to follow household rules, can the parent(s) assert the teen is an adult at age 18 and have the teen move from the house? Does parental responsibility legally end at 18?
07/30/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Indiana | #17880How Do I Set Up A Custodial Account for a Minor in Ohio?
We live in Ohio. Our children's grandfather wishes to give a gift of 13K to each of our 2 kids who are 5 and 7. We would like to open custodial accounts with this money and use it to pay for summer and school break camps, classes and any lessons (music, sports, dance, etc.) that they choose to take in the future. How can we find out exactly what we are 'allowed' to make with...
07/02/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Ohio | #17303What rights do I have to force my teen daughter to live at home until of age?
My 17 year old daughter does not want to live at home because we will not let her drink or smoke. A friends mother said she can move in with her? What rights do we have as parents to keep the child in our home?
05/11/2009 | Category: Minors | State: South Carolina | #16638Can the court legally bind my son's compliance order past the age of majority?
My minor child committed 4 public intoxication violations and is in juvenile drug court for over 1 year now. He turns 18 in April of 2008. The court has extended his compliance past age 18. If he decides that he no longer wants to comply, can the court hold him past the age of majority, and what can they legally do about his charges?
04/27/2009 | Category: Minors | State: ALL | #16208Who is responsible for damage caused by children while at school?
What if your child is at school during school hours in the playground, and throws some rocks along with another boy, and hits a teachers car, not intentionally, am I (the parent) responsible for any damages to the car, whether big or small?
04/21/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Georgia | #16080Getting MIP removed from record
My daughter received a MIP in her dorm room in 2004. She was 18. Can she petition to get it removed from her record?
03/10/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Michigan | #15514Would being emancipated help our teen daughter obtain financial aid?
My daughter is 19 years old and attends college in California. We are not receiving financial aid. We thought it might help her financially if she became emancipated from us; therefore, could get financial aid on her own to help pay her tuition. Would this help her and how would we go about it in California?
02/10/2009 | Category: Minors | State: California | #15218If a teen runs away in Georgia, will authorities bring her back to Georgia?
If a 16 year old is in the welfare system in Georgia, leaves the State of Georgia, and is considered a runaway, will Georgia law officials come after her and take her back to Georgia?
02/01/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Maryland | #15118What is the minimum age requirement to apply for a license to give tattoos?
What is the minimum age requirement to apply for a license to give tattoos?
12/31/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Texas | #14369What are the laws concerning dating between a 22 year old and a 16 year old?
What are the laws concerning dating between a 22 year old and a 16 year old? And I am talking about just dating, no sexual contact.
12/21/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Indiana | #14246