Minors Legal Questions and Answers
Do Parents Have to Pay the Debt of a Child Who Was Tricked Into a Modeling Contract?
My son, wife and I are on a student checking account. The account was opened in California but the offense happened in North Carolina. My son deposited a check and the bank put a 1 day hold on the check. The next day he took the money out and sent it Western Union in a scam to become model. The check came back insufficient funds. This was all done without my wife nor my kno...
01/30/2011 | Category: Minors | State: North Carolina | #24112How do I get an amended birth certificate issued following a court order?
I was able to successfully petition the Mitchell Co. GA court to legitimate my son and was granted an order for the Dept of Vital statistics to amend the child's birth certificate with my name as the father and reisssue the birth certificate. How should I proceed to see that the birth certificate is ammended and reissued?
09/30/2010 | Category: Minors | State: Pennsylvania | #23294How do I get access to grandson's social security number now that I have custody?
I have physical custody of my 4 year old grandson. Parent 1 is incarcerated and parent 2 is on the run. Parent 2 gave me a notarized permission paper for parental control over my grandson. I need to get his social security number to get DHS to help pay his expenses, daycare, medicaid, etc. He has been issued a number I have no access to it without a court document.
09/22/2010 | Category: Minors | State: Iowa | #23237Can I prevent my son from doing something my wife gave him permission to do?
I'm married and my wife has told my 15 year old son he can go to Key West and help a friend (he is not a captain) bring a boat up the Atlantic coast. Can I prevent him from doing this?
07/09/2010 | Category: Minors | State: Virginia | #22630Can We Tell an Adult to Stay Away from Our Teenager?
Our 22 year old tutor (male) wants to have a relationship (not sexual) with our 17 year old daughter. This is in California and we DO NOT approve. Can we tell him, sternly, to go away?
06/26/2010 | Category: Minors | State: California | #22493Is it illegal in Virginia to spank your clothed child with and without your hand?
is spanking your child with clothes on with other than your hand constitute child abuse under Virginia law?
11/19/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Virginia | #19701How do I obtain guardianship over children whose mother is not capable of caring for them?
My niece has been diagnosed as bipolar an she has substance abuse problems and has already had 2 children removed from her care. Her youngest child is 2 and we have her. Her mom left her with us a week ago and she is not able to care for her and has a long history of offences, I am seeking legal guardianship of this child and need to know best way to go about it. Probably wi...
11/19/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Texas | #19691May I legally install a hidden camera in my 12 year old's room?
In the state of texas is it legal to have a hidden camera in a 12 year old's room?
10/08/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Texas | #18997Must a minor submit to a breathalyzer test in Ohio?
What are the rights of a minor when it comes to breathe analyzers?
10/01/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Ohio | #18889Can A Parent Cancel A Child's Sale of a Horse?
A 16 year old is defiant and mad at his parents. He moves out. He is later diagnosed by a counselor with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). He has a horse that is registered in his name and has a Bill of Sale for the horse. He tells a teacher at the school he 'wants nothing to do with his parents' and sells the horse to the teacher for the $1000. The minor did not have pare...
09/01/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Montana | #18384