Parking » Handicap Legal Questions and Answers
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Is there a legal sign and pavement marking that indicates whether or not it is handicapp parking?
I received a Handicapp Ticket for parking in a Handicapp Spot on private property at the apartments I live at. The apartments did not complain nor did they authorize the officer to write the ticket. The ticket was left on my vehicle. The spot where I was parked was not marked with any yellow paint indicated it was handicapp nor was there a blue and white sign with a handicap...
03/29/2007 | Category: Parking » Handicap | State: Kansas | #2326What is the legal requirements for a buisness to provide handicap parking under the ADA?
What is the legal requirements for a buisness to provide handicap parking under the ADA? What are the penalties for not providing such parking availability ?
03/28/2007 | Category: Parking » Handicap | State: Utah | #2284
Items 1 - 2 of 2
Items 1 - 2 of 2