Paternity Legal Questions and Answers
Does my daughter have to agree to joint custody?
My daughter has been served court papers to appear for hearing to establish paternity of her 2 year old child. She is unaware of who the father is and someone has now stepped forward. He has also stated on the document that he would like to have joint custody if he is the father. Does she have to agree to joint custody, not knowing who anything about this person? Will he ha...
10/16/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: New Jersey | #10378How can my friend get out of having to provide Healthcare coverage for kids that are not his?
My son has been served with divorce papers. His wifes 2 minor children are not biologically his though he has loved them like they were. His name is on their birth certificates but he had already had a vasectomy.She was unfaithful to him and became pregnant both times while they were together. He is now disabled due to a stroke. His disability provides 350.00 dollars a month f...
10/06/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Texas | #9780Can the mother of a child have a new paternity test after 13 years to find the real father?
If a child is born to an unmarried mother and the mother lists another man on the birth certificate and the child has that man's last name, can the mother claim that the person on the birth certificate is no longer the father of the child.(13 years later). Can she have the Court order a paternity test on a different man?
10/03/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Connecticut | #9605If I am pregnant can I still move out of state if I am not with the father of the baby?
I am married to a man in WA and want to move there to be with him. I am pregnant by a man in Pennsylvania. He doesn't want the baby, has said so, but will file for custody after the baby is born just to spite me and look "good" in front of his family. Is there anyway for me to make this move and keep my child? If I move before the child is born what is the chances they will mak...
09/25/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Pennsylvania | #9067How do I get a DNA test to see if I am the father?
My girlfriend and I were together for three years and had a son ten months ago. Now she has a new boyfriend that has alredy went through a bad battle for his kids and lost. He keeps telling her what to do because he does not trust me but all I want to do is see my son. I've given them no reason not to trust me. Now she is telling me that I am not the father. How do I get a pate...
06/22/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Colorado | #6605Can I force the father of my unborn child to sign the birth certificate?
I live in Portland OR and will be having a baby in November. I want to find out if there is a way that I can make the father sign the birth certificate of our child. We are not married and he is the only possible father. He had stated in an earlier conversation that he will not be there for the delivery, I have very little of his information and he is no longer answering the ph...
05/24/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Oregon | #5870How do I remove my name from a child's birth certificate if I am not the father?
I found out that the child that I had custody for 5 years, who shares my last name, is not my daughter, by court ordered DNA. The mother became a prostitute and I had legal custody of the child. She was ordered to pay $100 a month in child support and then decided to tell the truth that the child was not mine. I have the court papers stating she isn't my daughter. The mother re...
05/05/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Nevada | #3818My son and his girlfriend just had a baby on 4/27/07. The girl's mother is making a lot of claims that he may not be the bab...
My son and his girlfriend just had a baby on 4/27/07. The girl's mother is making a lot of claims that he may not be the baby's father. He is only 17 and he signed the birth certificate without a parental or guardian's consent. Is this legally binding? Should he get a DNA test? I want to protect his rights as a parent if he is one but I do not want him to pay a hefty price if ...
04/30/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: New Jersey | #3459Can the father challenge paternity after divorce?
Can the father challenge paternity after divorce?
04/22/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Mississippi | #3260If I am found to be the father of a child I did not know about, am I liable for back child support?
If I am proven to be a father of a 3 year old that I just found out about. Do I have to pay 3 years back child support? The girl is and was married when she claims the child was concieved and put her husband on the birth certificate as the father.
04/20/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: New York | #3222