How Do I Change the Parent on a Birth Certificate in Delaware?
Full Question:
Please see the following Delaware Department of Vital Statisitcs regulations:
Unless otherwise provided in these regulations or in the statute, all other amendments to vital records shall be supported by:
10.2.1 An affidavit setting forth: Information to identify the certificate; the incorrect data as it is listed on the certificate; the correct data as it should appear; and
10.2.2 One or more items of documentary evidence which support the alleged facts and which were established at least five years prior to the date of application for amendment or within seven years of the date of the event.
The State Registrar shall evaluate the evidence submitted in support of any amendment, and when he or she finds reason to doubt its validity or adequacy, the amendment may be rejected and the applicant advised of the reasons for this action.
10.3 Who May Apply.
10.3.1 To amend a certificate of birth, application may be made by one of the parents, if the registrant is under age 18; the guardian, the registrant if 18 years of age or over; or the individual responsible for filing the certificate.
10.10 Denial of Amendment.
When an applicant does not submit the minimum documentation required for amending a vital record or when the State Registrar has cause to question the validity or adequacy of the applicant's sworn statements or the documentary evidence, and if the deficiencies are not corrected, the State Registrar shall not amend the vital record and shall advise the applicant of the reason for this action and shall further advise the applicant of the right of appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction.
10.11 Notification of Amendment.
10.11.1 When a certificate or report is amended under this section by the State Registrar, the State Registrar shall report the amendment to any other custodian of the vital record and their record shall be amended accordingly.
10.11.2 When an amendment is made to a certificate of marriage by the local official issuing the marriage license, copies of such amendment shall be forwarded to the State Registrar.