Paternity » Visitation Legal Questions and Answers
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Can I Prevent Visitation By the Father of My Wife's Baby?
If my wife is pregnant with another man's child and he wants visitation,can this be prevented?
03/07/2010 | Category: Paternity » Visitation | State: North Carolina | #21284What is the age that a child is no longer held to visitation rights as given by a judge?
My wife has a child from a previous marriage. The father's mother is using the father for visitation rights even though he doesn't pay child support or have any thing to do with my wife's child (doesn't call or come to visit). What is the age that a child is no longer held to visitation rights as given by a judge? Also the father lives in Georgia, but the child lives in NC. ...
07/01/2007 | Category: Paternity » Visitation | State: North Carolina | #6833
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