What form is needed to remove my son's name from my property deed?
Full Question:
The answer will depend on whose names are on the current deed. For example, if there are only two people listed as owners on a deed, and they wish to transfer the property into only one person's name, they would execute a deed from two individuals to one individual.
A warranty deed contains certain promises about the clear nature of the title, and that there are no undisclosed claims on the property. A quit claim deed makes no such assurances, and transfers the title subject to whatever claims may exist.
We can assist you with searching to locate forms or we can draft add forms you may need to our database. However, we cannot advise you to use one particular form over another that address the same matter. We can show you what is available. Please take a look at the deed forms at the links below and see if they fit your need. If they do not, let me know and we may be able to add a form for your need.