Real Property » Easements Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Find a Deed for an Easement?
My family has owned property in Chaffee Co for over 30 years. Our property, as well as others, has been accessed by a dirt road/cultisac. Through numerouse inquiries and searches we are unable to find a recorded deed for the road. We know that no one has paid taxes on the 60ft wide road for years. Is it possible to obtain a deed for the portion of the road that ajoins our p...
11/09/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Colorado | #23596Can a Gas Company Cross Our Property to Get to a Neighbor's Well?
If a gas company untizes us with an adjoining landowner and the well site is on the neighbors land, does that give the Co. the right to cross our property to get to the well site - or do they still have to obtain our permission to cross our ground?
09/27/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Pennsylvania | #23267Can a Neighbor Block an Easement?
I bought my property 25 years ago and to get to the property I have access through an easement, about 50 feet. The easement is shared by Green township and the joining farm. The township has had ownership for longer than I've lived here and the farm has been owned for 13 years. Due to a civil dispute the farmer has blocked this easement including what the township owns. The tow...
09/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Ohio | #23139Who is responsible to maintain an easement and pay for any damage?
Easement to property. In Illinois, who legally is required to maintain the easement? Is it the owner of the property that the easement is on or the property owner that uses the easement? If damages are done to the easement who is required to fix it
08/27/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Illinois | #23033Can the Servient Owner Change the Location of an Easement?
I hold a deeded & recorded Driveway easement, obtained by the prior owner with a full legally described specific location, an accompanying survey map, across neighbor's property to my property line. language in the easement describes it as appurtenance, perpetual ,and running with the land. any transfer of the land by any means conveys the easement to successors, according to...
08/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Idaho | #22873Does an easement given previously become my responsibility or can I terminate it?
I'm buying a piece of property that has an existing waterline spur from a private, small community well running through it to a neighboring parcel. There is an ambiguous easement recorded by prior owners of both parcels that simply states an easement is granted. There are no other specifics regarding location, area, terms, etc. There is a letter on file dated two years after...
07/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Washington | #22728How Do I Form a Private Road Association in California?
How do we form a private road association for a 15 home rural community?
05/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: California | #22019What are the Pros and Cons of Granting a Pipeline Easement?
I own some farm property about 10 miles outside of town and I was contacted by the Gas Company and they requested a 15 ft. easement along the highway to lay a gas pipeline. What are the pros and cons of giving them an easement and what kind of contractual arrangement establishes an easement?
04/30/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Tennessee | #21965How Can I Prevent Someone from Using a Road to Enter My Adjoining land?
Our family has owned property which includes a creek creating an informal boundary between two government lots. The land has not been surveyed, and the creek meanders. At one point, we built a bridge across the creek to connect the two government lot properties. When my mother died, she willed one of the lots to my younger brother, who wants to sell the land. Access to his ...
04/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Washington | #21854Who is Responsible for Damage to an Encroachment on an Easement?
my neighbor has a 12 foot easement on my property to push the snow on in the winter. we put up a fence accidently 9 feet from the edge of the property instead of 12 feet. if the neighbor damages the fence by pushing snow into it, is the neighbor responsible for paying to fix the fence if they damage it.. or no because it's my fault for having the fence put up on the easement?
12/09/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Massachusetts | #19985