Real Property » Easements Legal Questions and Answers
Does my neighbor have the right to plant on or grade my driveway easement?
I have an exclusive driveway easement that has been surveyed and registered at the court house. I am responsible for all maintenance and upkeep does my neighbor have the right to plant on it or grade it.
03/30/2011 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Tennessee | #24533What are my options when being constantly blocked on my easement?
I am the last house on an easement. I own the easement. I am constantly being blocked in by guests worker etc. I have repeatedly asks the home owners not to do so with no satisfaction. What are my options? My ability to have unrestricted access and egress. Deliveries to my home are also some times interrupted.
03/27/2011 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: New York | #24506Can a New Owner Deny Me Access to a Water Easement I've Used for 12 Years?
I own a mobile home as a rental and have been buying water from a pvt. water system for 12 years. I am on a easement type road and the county will not run a water line to my property. A well is on my property but is contaminated so the system owner who buys water from the county and has a line running past my property is the only way I can get water. The seller without notice t...
03/21/2011 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Georgia | #24456Who is Responsible for Maintenance of an Easement?
I am the owner of a small hobby farm in Washington Co Kentucky.To access my farm I have to drive across a deeded right of way which is mentioned in my deed and in the deed of the owner of the farm I travel across.For the last 24 years I have been the only one maintaining this road which is gravel.The maintenance consist of cutting the grass on the edge of the right of way.The r...
01/18/2011 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Kentucky | #24030Can I Terminate an Easement if I Buy Adjoining land?
I own a 6 acre lot in PA, that is the second to last lot on a mountain dirt road. There was one more 7 acre lot beyond mine which was supposed to be a common area on which the road terminated as a cul-de-sac. When the developer tried to transfer the property to the owners association, they refused to accept possession of it because they didn't want to be burdened with the p...
01/17/2011 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Pennsylvania | #24021What Can I Do if if Someone Exceeds the Boundaries of an Easement?
What happens when the boundaries of an easement are exceeded by causes of nature. The U.S. Corp of Engineers obtained an easement onto my property to raise the level of a stream that flows by. They turned a three foot deep creek into a fifteen foot deep raging hell hole. The amounts of water , and in the winter , great amounts of ice keep eroding the stream bank. The water ...
12/30/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Pennsylvania | #23909Does a Foreclosure Void an Easement?
Is a recorded easement (California) done prior to a foreclosure sale, still in effect or does the f/c nullify the easement? Where would one find the law(s) that either uphold or deny the easement and what must one do to enforce rights granted if said easement is not void? Thanks.
12/17/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: California | #23834How Do I Remove or Terminate an Easement I Gave to a Neighboring Property?
Hello, we own an empty lot that granted easement to the property next door in 1996. In 2002, we purchased the home next door and had asked the seller to remove the easement. We now lost the property to foreclosure and the bank has an offer on the property with the possible new owner inquiring about the easement saying that it is still recorded on title. We still own the empt...
12/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: California | #23804What Control Does a Landowner Have Over Recreational Use of Their Land?
When renting land do I have control over who gets access to use it recreationally etc.
11/19/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: North Carolina | #23677Can a church use property when owner of record is defunct?
Can a deed that names a school (that no longer exists) as owner be used by a church that is not named in the deed and has never been transferred to the church?
11/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Mississippi | #23612