Real Property » Joint Tenants Legal Questions and Answers
What is Community Property With Right of Survivorship?
Could you tell me the difference between and the advantages and disadvantages of Joint Tenants with rights of Surviorship and not as Tenants in common AND Community Property with rights of surviorship AND Community with rights of surviorshop and not as Tenants in common, hereinafter : Grantees', the following lands and property , together with all improvements located thereo...
06/23/2011 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: New Mexico | #25082What Are the Responsibilities of a Life Tenant?
My step dad, 92, has a life estate on the property my mother deeded to me when she passed. The home is being neglected and now needs repairs. MY step dad feels I should be mostly responsible for these. He feels that since it is not his house he is not responsible. What are his responsibilities as well as mine. Just recently I visited and smelt gas. I called the gas company ...
06/01/2011 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Alabama | #24943How is the Poerty Interest of a Deceased Owner Transferred by a Deed?
My husband owned 50% of our home and the property it is on with a friend who also resided with us at property. The friend passed away in Nov. 2010. How do we go about having his name removed from the deed? Are there any forms online I can use to do this?
05/21/2011 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: New Hampshire | #24882How Do I Remove My Son From the Deed on Property We Own Together?
I have a second house in Florida which I purchased in 2004 and made my only son as joint tenant but he did not pay anything so far. Now I want to pay off my mortgage and leave this house in my will to my 2 years old grand son ( have a trust for grandchildren and my granddaughter will get condo in Boston). Is it easy to remove my son from being a joint tenant or what should I do...
05/11/2011 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Florida | #24812How is a Joint Tenancy Severed?
My mother purchased a house with cash in 2000 in Mcdonough Georgia, Henry County. In 2003 she created a Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivor placing her name, my brother-in-laws name and my name on the deed. In 2004 my brother-in-law remarried so my mother had his name removed from the Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship with a QuitClaim that he signed. This left the dee...
04/19/2011 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Maryland | #24678Will I Avoid Problems With Probate if My Mother Transfers the House to My Name Only?
My mother and I own a home jointly. She is 90 years old and would like to put the house in my name. If we did not transfer the ownership to just myself, would I have any problems with probate at the time of her passing or should I buy her part of the home for a 1.00 ?
03/22/2011 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Florida | #24464Can a Remainderman Sell Their Share Without the Consent of the Life Tenant?
My father put my sister and me on a general warranty deed with reservation of life estate in October 2001. However, we have 4 other brothers and sisters that we were told to share this property with. Why he only put two names on the deed is beyond me! He is still living (age 88 and still going about his business). Is it possible for my sister and me to add our other brother...
11/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Ohio | #23731Can I Withdraw Funds From a Joint Account My Father and I Both Contributed to?
My 89 year old father and I have owned a mutual fund and a money market account for approximately 10 - 15 years. We both put money into these accounts. He recently had to go to a nursing home. Since the accounts are in joint tenancy and we both contributed funds to them what is my right to any of the funds in these accounts?
10/19/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Iowa | #23425Am I Liable for a Second Mortgage By a Co-Owner in a Home?
We have purchased a home with our son and daughter-in-law. He would like to put a loan on it to buy another home. At our age we don't want to be responsible for the loan. Do we need to deed our ownership over to him and if so how do we do that? We have only owned the home for six months.
10/09/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: California | #23360How Do I Keep a Co-Owner's Spouse From Claiming the Property?
I bought a house last year, my sister had qualified to get the Loan at a good interest rate so she's helping me to buy this house and of course her name on the Title and loan mortgage but I'm the one to make payment every month under my name. My question is she's going to get married next month, any paper she can sign or release to my name but I still want her name on the Loan ...
09/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Texas | #23220