Real Property » Neighbor Relations Legal Questions and Answers
Peeping Tom Case or Invasion of Privacy
If a neighbor sets up a camoflaged hunting blind on the edge of your property (Edge of property is loosely defined. On the outside of their fence but probably still within their property) with the sole intent of viewing all angles of your pool (areas not accessible viewed from their house - there could be no other purpose), and then reveals private information about you to oth...
03/10/2009 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Indiana | #15542What are my options to force my neighbor to turn down her stereo?
I live in New Mexico. My neighbor has her stereo going nearly everyday for most of the day. It is loud enough to hear in my home. I have already left 3 messages for her, asking her to turn down the volume because it is disruptive. So far, she has not complied. What are my options?
03/04/2009 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: New Mexico | #15439What can I do about my noisy neighbor upstairs?
My neighbor does not like us and intentionally makes noise in their apt from above, sometimes at 6:07am, 10:30pm...almost every night. We own a coop. it sounds like a bowling ball hitting the wood floor. He also plays with his dog and drops hardballs? I can't imagine there is no legal recourse.
02/20/2009 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: New York | #15314Can we revoke the easement to the driveway if the neighbor continues to fight over the driveway?
we have a problem with our driveway and our neighbor. The driveway is on our property and when we bought the house we gave an esenment to the house below us. We have not had a problem until now. We have ask the person in the house not to block the driveway. Or drive on our property. But they will not listen. We have sent a legel letter to the owner of the house about the ...
11/08/2007 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Ohio | #11905How do I sell my home when I have difficult neighbors?
I am a Realtor with a client who has just signed an agreement of sale for his home. The day after the "under contract" sign went up, I got a call from a man saying he was the next door neighbor and that my Client's hedge is on his properety. The Neighbor wants my Client to pay for a survey. Since the Neighbor is the one disputing the property line, shouldn't he have to pay for ...
05/12/2007 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Pennsylvania | #4541What are my options for a defense against my neighbor who is an alcoholic?
I am being harassed by a neighbor who drinks very heavily. The police have been here 4 times. I have complained to the manager and owner and they say legally they can't do anything. The police told me I needed to address the problem with both parties and our manager said lawyer advised it was a civil matter. Last night she was served by the police and we are going to court. Sho...
05/09/2007 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: Arizona | #4333