Wills and Estates » Creditors of Estate Legal Questions and Answers
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Upon marrying did his Wife acquire 50% interest in the home in Kentucky?
My friends husband died. He did have a will leaving her everything. The home was his before marriage thus the deed is in his name only. Upon marrying did she acquire 50% interest in the home?? The estate will be insolvent unless the home is sold, and she doesn't want to sell.
11/25/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Creditors of... | State: Kentucky | #27157Is an heir personally responsible for debts of the estate of his Brother?
I am an heir in an estate of of deceased Brother. The executor says I am responsible for debts of the estate. Is that correct?
11/05/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Creditors of... | State: Pennsylvania | #26216Can the Executor or Creditors sue me for debts of the Estate of my Brother in Virginia?
I live in Pa. my brother lived in Va. He passed away over a year ago, and I was the beneficiary of his life insurance policy, which I used to pay all his funeral and burial costs. There is a small amount left. The executor of his will received all the rest of his possessions, which included a house, car, bank account, and all his personal belongings. My brother was very ill...
11/05/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Creditors of... | State: Virginia | #26215
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