Wills and Estates » Will Forms Legal Questions and Answers
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What happens when a Will appears to have inconsistent provisions?
I AM AN EXECUTOR AND BENFICIARY OF PART OF AN ESTATE AND THE FOLLOWING CLAUSE IS INDEED IN IT BEQUEETHING BTO SOMEONE ELSES NAME, "I will, devise, bequeath and give all the rest and remainder of my property and estate of every kind and character, including, but not limited to, real and personal property in which I may have an interest at the date of my death and which is not ot...
03/08/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Forms | State: Delaware | #33622I am looking for a place to provide to my Father to make a Will. He is 85 and never had a Will. Do you provide such services for uslegalwills?
I am looking for a place to provide to my Father to make a Will. He is 85 and never had a Will. Do you provide such services for uslegalwills?
01/05/2017 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Forms | State: ALL | #29571
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